Pickeral weed

Muncy, PA(Zone 5a)

Will pickeral weed survive a zone 6 winter if the pot is not sunk to the bottom of the pond? I have read that for it to survive, it has to be sunk. Since I will have a de-icer, would that make a difference? Thanks for any info.

Niles, MI(Zone 5a)

How deep is the water where the pickrel weed sets? Here in Michigan it grows at the edge of the water and is only covered by 3-6 inches of water,that turns to ice.
Hope this helps

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Lorie, I think it matters more on whether the plant is sufficiently deep to avoid the roots freezing.

Since pond depths vary, I'm not sure plants have to be sunk to the bottom (if your pond is very deep), but they should be sunk to a depth that ensure the dormant plant's roots are kept in relatively warm water. A de-icer will only keep a spot of the pond free from ice, not the entire surface. So plants left around the edge of the pond may still suffer if you experience ice build-up around the edges. Moving plants to the deeper center of the pond will help ensure their survival.

Muncy, PA(Zone 5a)

This plant is setting on the pond ledge that is 12" deep. Right now it is on a brick but I will take that out for the winter. That should probably do it??! I always thought that being in pots helps the roots, but I could be wrong. :)

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Well, it might do the trick, but no guarantees, especially if you experience a prolonged cold period.

Unless there's a reason why you don't want to sink them more, I'd say the deeper the better. :)

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