Neti Pot OMG!

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

I rarely get sick .. I'm sick now because of a cashier at the grocery store who insisted all she had was allergies. Well I caught her allergies. I woke up yesterday morning with a stuffy head, nose and terrible post nasal drip. Last night I got no sleep because my sinuses were so congested and I don't like using nose drops because I used to be addicted to them many, many years ago. Whilst searching the web I came across something called a Neti pot. The whole time I was reading about it I was thinking "you gotta be kidding". Desperate for relief and on the verge of using the dreaded nose drops I figured what the hey. I went out and bought one. I just gotta say I was totally flabbergasted at how easy it was to use and how well it worked! I won't go into how to use it, but here is a link that explains it:

If you hate taking drugs for colds and allergies this is probably the way you should go.


Fort Mill, SC(Zone 7b)

These things are worth their weight in gold. Seriously. Yes, there's the "oh my gosh, you must be joking" aspect right as you are about to use it, but put your dignity aside for a moment. There's a reason they've been around for centuries! They're awesome!

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

When I first read the instructions and even watched a few videos on how to use it I imagined I'd be drowning myself over the sink .. amazingly enough, I got it on the first attempt. It felt a little weird at first and was waiting for that "arrrgggghhh" feeling when water gets up your nose but it never came.

I'm definitely a fan now.

(Linny) Salem, SC(Zone 7b)

I swear by them.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

I'm thinking it's what's keeping this head cold from going into my chest.

Mooresville, NC(Zone 7b)

Ha, my husband came home from a trip with the beginnings of a sinus infection. I told him about the Neti-pot I had bought for our daughter. Tried to convince him to use it. Stubborn ole goat refused. Sinus infection got worse, after a missed day of work, he went to the doctor. Guess what the doctor suggested he use, a NETI-POT! Ha! I love saying I told you so. Yes, I agree, using a Neti-pot is wonderful. I like using it after a day of mowing and weeding in the dry dirt.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

I'll definitely be using it after mowing and diatomaceous earth dusting .. I wish I had known about them 30 years ago when I was a volunteer firefighter. I'd be blowing out soot and gunk from my nose for hours after a blaze!

Fort Mill, SC(Zone 7b)

Xeramtheum, thank you for your service as a volunteer firefighter. I'm convinced there's a special place in heaven for them.


Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Thanks Amy .. it was actually fun when not scary and sad.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

I stumbled on this thread and agree this is wonderful. I must add, I use the Sinucleanse bulb with a saline solution. Same theory, I just thought the bulb would be easier for me to adjust to. Like you said it was hard to imagine pouring water in the nose but it works so well and yes, I believe it prevents things from settling in the chest.

I was exposed to some serious mold and got horrible sinus drainage as a reaction to the mold. This reaction recurs when I get more of the same exposure. I now know to flush as soon as I can to control it.

DH uses too much nose spray. Many times I have tried to talk him into using this method. I keep a new bottle just in case. He adamantly refuses, so I say o.k. be miserable. Wish the Dr would advise him to use it. He'd listen to him...

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