Clematis leaves mottled

Everett, WA

I have a Rooguchi Clematis that is 5 years old and every spring it starts out looking green and healthy and in June the bottom leaves become mottled with light green and turn brown and crispy and it travels up the plant from the bottom. I eventually have to cut it all the way back before its done for the season. Any ideas on what could be the problem? I thought it might be a fungus so I did spray it. I have it in a great spot getting morning sun with the roots shaded. Reading the other posts I think it may need more food. Any other suggestions would be great.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Fungus is the only thing I can think of and what I've heard as being a problem on a radio gardening show. If it is in a damp spot, which remains constantly damp and is shaded, I'd think it is the problem.

Generally the rule for any sick plant is NOT to feed it but I'd still try giving it a drink of Epsom Salt in warm water. Please let us know when it sends up new shoots and be sure to clear away all dead and dying foliage of the clematis and all plants around it and do not compost what you clean up for fear of spreading the problem.

If you didn't cut it right to the ground level I'd think this is the time to do it.

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