Eggplant in the Northeast

Harwinton, CT

Does anyone in zone 5 plant eggplant? Last year was the first time I planted it up here in the NW hills of CT and had no luck. . .they all died. I'm trying again this year. I started the seeds under lights and they were doing really well. Then they went into the cold frame which I left open during the rains we had (yeh, I know, but it would have gotten too humid in it closed up. They didn't continue to thrive in the frame but kinda sulked. I planted them out into the garden about ten days ago and they're still just doing nothing, except for one that does have two flower buds on it. Am I wasting my time???

I planted 1 last year and did not take care of it. The weeds over took it. I remember it was about 2-1/2 feet tall before I yanked it.

This year I planted 2, so its a wait and see attitude.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Yes, Wha (Bill) does...he should jump in here soon.

Hallowell, ME

I've had no problems with them. I treat them the same as tomatoes and peppers. I question the use of the cold frame though. I've always started them inside, transplanted to 3" pots (still inside); took them out when it warmed up and sat them on the porch for a couple of days before planting out. I'm not an expert on them this has just been my experience.

From the house to the porch to the garden is called "hardening off".

Harwinton, CT

I harden everything off by leaving the whole top of the cold frame off.

Ffld County, CT(Zone 6b)

I'm a zone warmer than you, in southwestern CT, (but a high elevation) but I've done eggplant successfully. I wintersow, so I start everything outside. Eggplant is usually started outside (in covered containers) in April, and then planted out. I have just a small patch of sun, so the eggplant is usually planted in 5-gallon buckets.

Maybe you just need to give them a bit more time to take off?


Hudson, MA

I've got 3 eggplants going from purchased seedlings. They're not exactly taking off with this cold wet weather, but they're definitely stable.

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

i have 10 or so planted - spring is slow for them - need some heat - if you already have flowers you are ahead of me - plant them every year and some years produce better than others

My 2 are dormant, but then everything is lollygagging with the rain and lack of sun.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

We plant plants in Z6. had luck last year.

Thomaston, CT

I always buy the plants, but they sometimes don't produce if it's cool & rainy...this year I didn't plant any.....

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I would miss thos parm casseroles in September if we didnt have any.

Thomaston, CT

Love eggplant parm, but hate to prepare time consuming! I usually slice the eggplant, marinate it in evoo, soy sauce, & garlic & grill....

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