I just bought a Goldflame Honeysuckle Vine and need help!

Holladay, UT(Zone 5a)

Hello everyone! I just purchased my first Honeysuckle vine. It's Goldflame, and I know nothing about growing them. I have a lot of very old Honeysuckle bushes, but this is my first vine. I'm planting it against a fence, and the nursery said that it will do fine if I give it string to climb on. I plan on eventually putting trellis above the fence for it to grow further on.

I'm in zone 5, and would like to know if any of you know how fast this vine will grow in my zone? The tag says it's fast growing, but I'm not exactly sure what that means in relation to this plant. Also, do you know if string really is strong enough for it to grow on? It's not puny, so I'm worried about how strong it is! Any suggestions on planting, watering and fertilizing it?

It has a lot of buds, and I can't wait to see it bloom! The tag says it blooms from Spring until Fall, which I'm a little skeptical about, but hopefully it will bloom longer than the Honeysuckle bushes that I have.

Sorry for all the questions, but I really have no idea what to do with this plant!


Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Natalie, just plant it, keep it watered a couple of times a week and stand back - they grow fast. Honeysuckle vines do best in full sun. It WILL get aphids, but they are easily sprayed off with a garden hose. Show us pictures!

Holladay, UT(Zone 5a)

Thanks KayJones, that's exactly what I've done. It;'s growing way faster than I expected! Hopefully it will bloom soon. If it does, I'll post pictures, because it's not very pretty without them!


Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Natalie, when it gets settled in, it will bloom - honeysuckles bloom readily.

Holladay, UT(Zone 5a)

That's good to know! This is my first Honeysuckle vine, so I'm excited about it! I have lots of Honeysuckle bushes and love them, but this is so different! Thanks for the confidence! If the vine doesn't drown or bake, I think it will be okay! The weather here can't make up it's mind. It's either pooring down raining for days on end (I haven't had to water the lawn yet this year!) and now it's hot!


Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Send NW Florida some of your excess rain - we haven't had any for 4 months!

Holladay, UT(Zone 5a)

I really wish I could send the rain elsewhere. It's been awful here. The ground is still waterlogged and I can barely get any work done outside because of it. I've had a bumper crops of weeds though because it's so wet! At least they are easy to pull with the ground being so wet. I can't imagine being without rain for 4 months! That would be awful!


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