Soaking seeds before planting

Holladay, UT(Zone 5a)

I'm not exactly new to Morning Glory, but I'd love to get way more friendly with it! I had no idea that there were so many amazing ones out there! I thought they just came in the seed packets from Walmart, and that was all you could get! Boy, was I wrong! I feel a new addiction coming on!

I just planted some Clematis on my back fence, 8 feet apart, and I'm going to fill in the gaps with Morning Glory. I only have ones that are "common" (Crimson Rambler, Flying Saucers, Heavenly Blue, Grandpa Ott and a mix of who knows what), but I'm sure they will be pretty - especially Grandpa Ott!

I always soak my seeds overnight, but I just read the Sticky about putting hydrogen peroxide in the water. Here's is what it said:

From the Sticky:
"Do I need to soak morning glory seeds before sowing them?

The seeds will often sprout just fine without any pre-treatment. For pre-treatment, soak the seed until it swells. Some people add hydrogen peroxide to the soaking water or nick the seed coat to help the seed germinate. This usually works out well for the most common species, but for some rare types/species soaking or other more specialized treatment may be recommended."

As you can see, it doesn't mention what the amount of hydrogen peroxide to water should be. My seeds weren't expensive or rare, but I don't want to kill them! Can anyone tell me the amounts I should use?

Thanks for any and all help!


(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Natalie - Welcome! MGs can certainly become an addiction!

In answer to your question ... I usually just add a few drops of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide to a gallon of water . It helps keep the seeds and emerging roots from rotting.

Holladay, UT(Zone 5a)

Thanks Becky! I appreciate the help! Since I'm only soaking for 8 to 12 hours, could there even be a chance of them rotting in that short of time? Also, do you water them with this solution after planting?

Thanks again! Natalie

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

I just soak them until they swell or sprout a root. That might be just a few hours or 24 hours. It just depends on the individual seed. You just have to keep an eye on them.

No, I don't water them with that solution unless they are grown indoors under lights. And even then I don't use it for every watering. It's mainly just to prevent root rot. Indoors, I under-water my plants for that reason. But outside, here in Florida ... it would be hard to cause root rot. We have a drought going on here at this time.

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