My glads are blooming.

San Diego, CA

I planted the bulbs in February.

Thumbnail by dreamjourney
San Diego, CA

this is second to bloom

Thumbnail by dreamjourney
San Diego, CA

this is the third to bloom

Thumbnail by dreamjourney
San Diego, CA

Here is the package for the bulbs, costed $12.99 from costco, worth every penny.

Thumbnail by dreamjourney
San Diego, CA

one more pic

Thumbnail by dreamjourney
Gainesville, FL(Zone 8b)

Those are gorgeous. Mine that I bought on clearance last year have still yet to bloom but the spot is somewhat shady.

Hanceville, AL(Zone 7a)

One of mine had it's top blown out by the wind today. We received some rain, so that makes it alright. Luciee

Rochester, MN

I don't know if you know the names to those glads, but the first one looks like Lemon Tree. It has a sport called Sunkist, an orange with yellow throat. The second one looks like Pink Friendship. A truly classic glad. I don't know about the third. Sunkist and Lemon tree standout in my memories of growing up on a glad farm. They had vary uniform plant forms and I always looked down the 300' rows at those two varieties.
Thanks for posting those pictures.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

So pretty!

San Diego, CA

Hi, Everyone, thanks for the comment! Niceguy you are really nice, I loved to know the flowers names.

This is the second time I'v ever try to grow flowers in a garden. Last time I tried to work in a garden and I got covered with blisters from ankles to face by touching poison ivy and touching everywhere. That scary and painful experience made me stay away from garden for over 3 years.

But last year I bought a new house and got to start a new garden and I finally overcome the fear. But now I always wear garden gloves! These lovely flowers really gave me confidence to go back to gardening again.

Anyway, I tried to plant the bulbs every other week since the beginning of March, but seems like all the leaves emerges around the same time, so I couldn't keep it blooming all summer long. Now I am planning on the replacement plants over them for summer bloom.

Thumbnail by dreamjourney
Rochester, MN

If you mix up how you plant the bulbs it will help spread out your bloom times. Right side up, sideways,upside down.

San Diego, CA

Hi, Niceguy, are you serious? Plant them upside down? Every book said pointy said up and if you can't decide just plant side way, but then it also said plant every other week to get all summer bloom and it didn't really work. So, I will do some experiment next year. Thanks for the tip!

Glads got visitor.

Thumbnail by dreamjourney
San Diego, CA

I didn't stake my glads, and when they flower some flower stalk just fall over because it is so top heavy so I just cut them and put them in the vase. It is flat gorgeous. But I saw some ants on crawling on the flowers so I just left it outside.

Thumbnail by dreamjourney
Rochester, MN

Hi dreamjourney, I mentioned that in another thread and got the same reaction from another poster. Maybe I should start a new thread.

Hanceville, AL(Zone 7a)

Dreamjourney, I am sorry you had poison ivy. I am allergic to it, too. I follow the old saying: "leaves of 3, let them be". I go around with my trusty round-up and spray every year, because we have a bird that eats the berries and then come to visit my yard. Your glads are beautiful. It looks like the one the wind broke is going to be a salmon/yellow. Luciee

Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

Nice blooms. I got some Firecracker on clearance and planted them in March; they started sending up bloom stalks late last week, but no flowers yet.

Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

Starting blooming today; will post more pics when there are more of them open. Doing well despite the 110-115 temps.

Thumbnail by frogymon
(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

I cannot even imagine living in heat like that. It seems like something from a science fiction book. We are sitting at 53F this morning, and it MAY climb to 70 like yesterday, but doesn't look like it with cloudy skies this AM. Maybe 65 or so.

Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

mstella, Wife & I cruised AK in 2009 and loved it and are planning to go back in '13 or '14. Been in AZ for 43 yrs and still not completely used to the heat, but then again, we never get below zero either.

San Diego, CA

That firecracker is beautiful! I will grow more of them next year. But I will put some bulbs down one month earlier than I did this year.

And I would also love to go for cruise in AK in summer

Coastal San Diego weather is the best, cool and dry. Our daily high and lows are between 60~72 in June. But don't be fooled by the cool temprature, the sun is brutal! I got sunburn watching my daughter's soccer game on weekend.

Lisle, IL(Zone 5a)

Got them in the ground rather late and some of the blooms are sunburned on the edges, so hopefully next year will be better; still beautiful though.

(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

dreamjourney, I was born in Oakland and lived briefly there again in 68 (Jan-Apr). Visited relatives they several times and found San Francisco rather damp and humid. I assumed that San diego would be the same. I visited there in Jan 67. My husband had been stationed at Pendleton before we met and so wanted to see it and Del Mar.

(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

Here is Blue Smoke from Old House Gardens

Thumbnail by Oberon46
Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Plant glads deep if you don't feel like staking them, 8" is good, then hill them some more after they start growing.
The glads on clearance probably were to old to grow. Glads grow a new bulb on the old one every year. If not planted the next year they will dry up. Clearance made the store money instead of having to throw them out.
Were there aphids on the glads with ants ? Ants live on the secretions from aphids. Ants will actually "farm" the aphids.

Ventress, LA(Zone 8b)

DJourney, your garden is just lovely. I love the simplicity with lots of color.

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