CLOSED: Zone In Page 3

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Secret Buddies have been assigned and we are closed to new participants.


We're sharing a minimum of 8 Perennials you're already growing that are ready to divide and you'd like to share with a fellow participant who lives in or close to your Zone. That way none of us needs to buy plants, and we have the assurance if they're growing well in your Zone, they should grow equally well for your Secret Buddy.

Several of us have already dug ours and placed them in pots, and are just waiting for a break from our high temps. If you're in a cooler Zone, you should be able to mail any day.

It's up to the Sender to choose plants they'd like to share, and they should should be Priority Mailed with a Delivery Confirmation Number by June 30th.


DO NOT post Delivery Confirmation Numbers directly on our thread...doing so is an invasion of privacy. Instead, keep your receipt handy, and D-mail me the number so I can let your Secret Buddy know their box of plants is on the way.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Reserved for participants.

AmandaEsq / Amanda --- > Zone 7b -- > Full Sun, Part Sun, Part Shade and Shade -- > Received from FruitOfTheVine
busy_gardener / Karen -- > Zone 4/5a -- > Full Sun and Part Shade
Chellflower / Chell -- > Zone 8b -- > Full Sun, Part Sun, and Shade. Would welcome Sub-Tropicals and Pond Plants.
Crit / Patti -- > Zone 7a -- > Mostly shade with dappled Sun
Cville_Gardener / Carole -- > Zone 6b -- > Mostly Sun
dispatcher1 / Lou -- > Zone 5b -- > Rec'd from Mittsy
FruitOfTheVine / Susan -- > Zone 7a -- > Full Sun
happgarden / Joyce -- > Zone 5a -- > Full Sun, Part Sun, Dense Shade, Dry, Windy & Wet, also has a Water Garden -- > Rec'd from dispatcher1
jsxtiger / Jax -- > Zone 7a
janaestone / Di -- > Zone 6b -- > Mostly Full Sun, Some Shade
joeswife / Debra -- > Zone 6a -- > Receved from poisondartfrog
minnesippi / Stephanie -- > Zone 4a -- > Sun and Shade
mittsy / Mittsy -- > Zone 5a -- > Sun and Shade
poisondartfrog / Alana -- > Zone 6b ~ 7a -- > Full Sun or Part Sun
rednyr / Deanna --> Zone 8a -- > Full Sun, majority of yard is Part Sun
ridesredmule / Char -- > Zone 8b
roxxanne / Rox -- > Zone 6a -- Received from Cville_Gardener
warriorswisdomkathy / Kathy -- > Zone 5 -- > Full Sun

This message was edited Jun 25, 2011 8:00 PM

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Me Me Me Yewwww...

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Ya'll please read the 1st post. None of the criteria has changed, I just mentioned you folks in cooler Zones might be able to go ahead and Priority Mail the plants you've chosen to share with your Secret Buddy.

If any of you choose to mail plants in the heat, what about using hydrated water crystals to keep the roots moist? I've never used mine mailing plants before, but they work wonders in hanging baskets. In past swaps & trades I have received plants in the heat of the Summer that were soaked in crystals and most did really well. Basically you put a spoon full of hydrated crystals in a dampened paper towel for each plant, wrap the roots well with or without soil, then enclosed the plant in a baggie and secure it with a rubber band or tape, keeping the leaves exposed so they don't rot in transit. You all have probably mailed more plants than I have. Using hydrated crystals is just one suggestion and do welcome your tips.

happ, I know what you mean about redoing a bed or an entire garden and am facing the same situation with a new bed hubby tilled for me last month that I still haven't planted much in. Rocks around here seem to multiply like rabbits and have picked up wheelbarrows full and dumped them in a ditch, along with dead grass I raked up. Get this.....he wants me to put taller plants in the center and feather out medium and smaller size ones toward the front. Say what? I'm not good figuring what should go where and would much rather plant nilly willy, sit back on the porch with a cold tea and watch the flower show next year.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

diapers seemed to work when I got some plants mailed to me during hot weather, the disposable kind, then light weight grocery bags and then newspaper and boxed. 102 here today, still 90 outside tonight, We had a third attack on a woman here in our town, there is a rapist out and about, he seems to like knives.. this town is in an uproar..Joe has added two locks to the garage door.. LOL I told him no one is gonna get me.. he said well, we do have a college girl home alone all day..
this year is so different than last year, things are frying and withering all over the place, pictures of same areas last year and then this year are amazingly different, everything is stressed from no rain and too much sun and heat already. record high for this day set all over the state..
June 06 last year ( our anniversary )

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

june 6 today.. 31 oh so wonderful years with good ole joe..

Thumbnail by joeswife
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

If you mail plants in these temps, just do not let any foil or plastic get around the plants. The former will bake them and the latter will steam them.

They say we're dropping into the high 80s next Monday so I think that's when I will try to send out my buddy's plants.

At least my EE are looking happy back there in the shade and are growing by leaps and bounds!!

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Carole, did those EE bulblets I sent you do anything at all? I was thinking about that the other day.

Debra - Happy Anniversary a day late! And be safe around town..and don't let college girl out by herself; although, if she's anything like my college girl, she's hard to pin down.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Di -- Yes, 3 or 4 of them are up now. I shared a couple with a friend here too. She's starting over with her yard and gardens same as me and loves tropicals. I don't remember if the ones you sent were named or were they NOID? Either way, they are up and growing. Except for one that sank in a rather deep hole and apparently is now growing somewhere in China ... haven't seen hide nor hair of that one, just a fairly deep hole. Probably a critter from the woods did that. ^_^

Once the EE are bigger, I'll post a pic. Thanks for asking.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Happy Belated Anniversary Debra and Joe. I was a June bride once. lol the 10th. Son born June 14th......3 years later

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Happy Anniversary, Debra, and many more. Tell college girl to put a pair of scissors in her pocket and use the buddy system when she goes out.

My plain ol Lowe's EE's are growing gangbusters and a couple of special ones I thought were goners are just starting to peek out. Love those big leaves.

happ, this is Daylily "Smoky Mountain Autumn" you gave me last year. First time it's bloomed and think it's lovely and another to add to the "toothy" collection :)

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

This is my Monte Negro lily blooming today. Love it!!! Just got the bulbs from the coop this spring.

Thumbnail by Crit
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Lovely lilies, ladies. :-D One of my Crinums is about to bloom and I'm excited ... didn't expect that one to bloom this year. Yippee ... ^_^

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I planted some bare root roses for my dear doggie Max. Not in her white shade garden, but in a fairly prominent place near the back porch. They came from a department store called "Roses" which may be a southern thing - never knew them before I moved here.

Anyway, went through TONS of these cheap bundled roses to find 3 yellow Golden Masterpiece hybrid tea roses (they were 3 for $10 - what the heck I thought). They are "2nd year field grown" from TX.

The first rose is about to open. I think it's going to be white. :D

The second bush has buds which appear to be reddish. :D

Not sure yet about the third.

Will keep you posted!


Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Crinum 'Powelli' about to bloom. Notice the chewed leaves ... neighbor's puppy loves to stick his big old paw through the fence and "play" with the flowers. I think he needs greens in his diet because he keeps wanting to eat mine! :( :(

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Pretty Lilies! Most of mine are pastels but Monte Negro makes me want to add some more saturated colors.
I loved shopping at Roses when I was a kid. They always had a big tropical fish section and lots of toys that fit my meager allowance, lol. That store is gone now and a sporting goods store is in it's place but it is good to know they are still around somewhere.

Shnickel Fritz

Thumbnail by poisondartfrog
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

poisondart, love the name of that daylily....rofl.
Fruity, I like Smokey Mtn, I just bought it for the name but wasn't sure what the bloom would look like, I like that. That was a fun swap.

It is so windy here my ee's are being blown all over the place...heavens, the banana leaves are shredded, but if the wind wasn't blowing it would be too hot to go outside!

Been working in the east flower bed, I may get it under control, but the ground sure is dry.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

If i don't bathe for a few days (weeks?) maybe Court won't notice the increased water consumption poured out on the ground. :/

I am going to invest in bags of mulch this week since the crabby jerk (ha ha - you all say my dear DH)(as if!!!) won't take the pick up to get a load from the city. (truckload for $20 can't be beat). I don't like being on someone else's timetable. I hate being broke (physically AND financially).

The specialist could see the swelling/bruising plainly so there was no getting trying to explain my injury. I now have 2 -3 more weeks off work (should I be doing a happy dance?) to let it heal. If it's not some better by 6/27 I guess we'll do an MRI.

That's the news. If I can't do a happy dance, at least I can go grab a beer (and Court's beer at that) from the fridge. :P

Here's lookin' at yew, kids.


Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

rofl...Amanda, I like DCJ, so funny. I bought bags of mulch on Memorial Day weekend and told home depot I would pick them up Memorial Day.....well I guess DCJ was just so busy being retired I went down after work last night and got the mulch.....heavens! I bought some of the new black mulch to put in the garden with my big red granite rock. I hope it looks good. Think I will use gloves I don't know if that stuff will stain or not. The women at home depot said they had it down all last summer and it never faded. Only problem I see is it gonna be like lint on black clothes when something falls on it....rofl.

We are really dry and hot here. Missouri river is flooding everything in its path, but everything else is bone dry.....I heard one farmer say one field was under water and the other is in a drought....

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Too bad we don't have a K-mart close by. It was my favorite store growing up and was where I spent my meager weekly allowance, mostly buying clothes, shoes, and school supplies, but do remember getting excited buying a plain ol fish bowl and a few goldfish. They didn't last long around my Mom's We still have a Roses nearby and it's fun browsing their garden department for stuff the big box stores don't carry. They usually have fairly large pots and plastic Strawberry pots on sale. A couple of years ago I found cool Tree Faces, scarfed up several packs, and gave them away.

You never cease to amaze me with your humor, Amanda. Glad you got somewhat of a good report. What else can you do in this kind of heat but kick back anyway? Unless you want to tell me what kind of butterfly this is.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Looks like some kind of sulpher. Doesn't exactly look like a yellow sulpher, but it could be.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

beautiful red cone flower, fruity.

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

It is still looking good for mailing next week. Thank goodness! The heat is getting to people and plants and we all need a break.
That coneflower is gorgeous!

Thumbnail by poisondartfrog
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Yes, gorgeous cone, Fruit. I'm still missing my 'Tomato Soup' which didn't return after the winter. All the flower pictures (and others) are great!

Unfortunately, our 80* temps have disappeared from the forecast for next week and now replaced by all 90s. So, dear buddy, hang in there with me for awhile longer. And hopefully just a little while. I hate it when I can't mail right away. These plants have been in their pots ready to go for a few weeks. Guess I'll go repot some of them to keep them from getting too rootbound. Sheesh. Who knew? LOL.

Hemerocallis 'Going Bananas'

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Pretty ... pretty!!!

Our 10 day forcast is all in the 90's, with one reprieve on Saturday of 89*. Bear with me buddy!!!!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Ok, my buddy sent mine out and may have figured out how to send in boiling weather.
Everything arrived in great shape! The package was so wonderful! Packed full of things I love!
There are:
3 mini hostas - love them
2 coral bells - 1 green 1 purple - love them
white anenime - been wanting those
salvia - sunny border blue - can't wait to look it up and see the bloom
japanese painted fern - love those perfect for the the shade garden
lamnium yellow - I have the purple so I am excited to mix them together.
Ladies mantile - something new, can't wait to look it up
lobelia cardinal - love these and hope it makes it cause I have lost two of these - 3rd time is a charm!
A wonderful box and packed beautifully! Now to get them a drink ......
Really really like my box

Dispatcher1 you are a sweetie!

Thumbnail by happgarden
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Wow ... nice box, you two. Looks good. Gives me hope to mail before long. :-) Was it an overnight trip, two days or ???

Got so enamored looking at the TS coneflower forgot to say I think Crit is right ... the bf is a Sulphur/Sulpher of some kind.


Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

The package from Dispatcher to me was mailed on the 7th and delivered on the 9th, so it was really fast. The little plastic cups were still moist tho, so other than being packed they would of lasted another couple days I suspect.

Dispatcher tell us how you wrapped for sure. Never quite seen so many plants packed in a box and not be crushed.

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

I'm glad they arrived ok. I figured the foliage might be smuished and wilted, but the roots are good and if I could keep them moist, at least they would all live. I was using a flat rate box, so the extra weight of the dirt didn't cost any more. They look better than I anticipated with this heat. It was around 100 degrees Tuesday afternoon when I mailed them. I had wanted to wait and mail when it was cooler, but the long range forecast didn't show much relief from the heat and we are leaving next week on vacation to Texas to see the Grandkids and I wanted to get them mailed before I left. I hope they do well for you. Lou

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Oh Lou, they arrived great and I just love them all. Since they were in pots and dirt I just added a little water cause they were still a little moist, sit them in the shade out of the wind (which isn't easy here) and letting them get all relaxed before I start planting. I couldn't have pick better plants for me than you did. .....

I don't think anyone is getting a break in the weather. We got a 5 minute shower and I am not kidding then the sun popped out....omg you could barely take a breath. Sounds like you are going from the heat to the frying pan if you are going to TX..... ;)

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

What a lovely box of plants! Great job Dispatch! Happ and Fruity - my sense of humor is my defense.

The butterfly is pretty but I can't tell. Backlit from the sun like that it looks unreal, and also makes it hard to distinguish color and markings.

We had a little rain this afternoon! Only filled my 55 gal barrel 1/4 so it wasn't that much, but it was one of those long light drizzles. I could actually smell the plants in the yard breathing a sigh of relief by opening up their stomata. Really a nice moment in an otherwise "blah" kind of day.

Thanks everybody for the pep talks. Being laid up is really a drag. Will keep you posted. We're outta beer.


PS - I wondered for a second what "DCJ" meant and when I went to post this "p.s." I had an "AHA!" moment. Thanks. :D

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Just curious about the gorgeous plant in your photo, Alana? Looks like it's in shade which we have so little of, just thought it has a striking bloom.

Two of the plants I dug and potted for my Buddy last week have croaked, or think they have, and will try again. I swear this much humidity this early is zapping the energy out of a lot of us. The weather guy said today we were 20 degrees above normal. At 8 o'clock this morning, I was soaked with sweat and all I had done was water. The heat I can take, the humidity...not so much.

You always do a fabulous job, Lou, and we all appreciate you joining us again. You're a lucky girl, happ :)

The way I set our Buddies up to "Zone In", it shouldn't take more than two days Priority Mail for us to send or receive, if the PO cooperates.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Fruity, love that cone, boy, that's pretty color. I'll be sending out Monday or Tuesday to my buddy - it's supposed to be back to normal temps for this time of year starting Sunday. High of 79 on Monday instead of the 99 we've had for the past two weeks - finally. After all the rain we had in April and May, my ground is cracked where there's no mulch -amazing that the temp has been so high it's already done that.

Amanda - what do you do? Are you a lawyer or work for a law firm or what?

I was lucky enough to meet Lou and trade with her at the local RU a few weeks ago - nice lady. Nice box of plants, happ.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

OK A., I'm still in the dark. Enlighten me and tell me what DCJ is. lol


(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Dear crabby jerk, Crit.....took me a minute too :)

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

OMG...... that is toooooooooooooo funny!!!!! I will have to remember that one. Hey A., does that remind you of anything?????

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Yeah, Patti, I'm having flashbacks. Except I would not use the "D". We have to give Happ the credit for that funny. :)

Um, Jana I am a retired civil trial attorney. Complex business and commercial litigation. Practiced law for 15 years. Came here from Boston and ended up in the corner office of a pretty well known litigation firm. Boss was a CJ. I enjoyed my work, but I got to feeling that I was too young to feel that bad. So I quit.

Hard thing, serious identity crisis for years and years. If I'm not a lawyer, what am I? I am still a lawyer, but I am also in a grad program at NCSU in the forestry department so someday I can be the crunchy granola that I always knew I could be. Hopefully one day in the not too distant future I will land my "dream job." I do expect that I will have to travel since the kind of jobs I'll be looking at are not abundant.

Naturally I will keep you all posted. And if anyone knows a land conservancy that is looking for a land manager, well, I'm your man.


Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Interesting, my dear child. Exactly what flavor of granola are you??? ;-)

I think I'm going to go ahead and mail Monday. Two of our stations (both in Nashville) are reporting different temperatures for next week. One is still up in the 90s all week and the other has us in the high 80s part of the time. I'm hoping for the latter but am encouraged by Lou's box that arrived in such good condition. Anyway, mine is going out Monday as far as I know.

Fruity, I had to repot some of the plants I had put in pots a few weeks ago for this swap. At least one was getting rootbound. :-( These I'm sending are all fairly tough so they should be okay. I'm such a worry wart when it comes to mailing plants. I really must get out of that. ^_^

Russian Sage 'Filagran', Monarda 'Jacob Cline', Buddleia 'Nanho Blue', good old-fashioned orange ditch lilies.

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Are the regular old fashioned orange daylilies what people call 'ditch lilies'?

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Are you referring to the last photo I posted? If so, that is a hige flowered Ipomoea purpurea that I have been isolating the last few years. It is a beauty and produces some of the shreddiest hige blooms I have ever had. The reason it looks like it is in shade is because I often leave very early and have to take my photos as the sky is beginning to lighten.

What a nice box of plants! They look great.

I'm still on track for mailing Monday or Tuesday.

A mutant I. nil

Thumbnail by poisondartfrog

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