I Wanted A Scarecrow

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

We have a steel post about 5' high and 6" in diameter at one end of our veggie garden. It used to support an enormous satellite dish there when we bought the property. We removed the dish 'cause it was blocking light but the post is sunk into a pretty solid concrete footing. We've gardened around it for years. This year I decided to incorporate it. We made a tent/teepee "skirt" around the post with long sticks from the woods. I planted Grandpa Ott's morning glories around the base. They came up like crazy so I decided to take it a step further and cover the sticks in mesh fencing to make a solid planting. Then I went about making a head. She is a beach ball, scrap sheeting and a few other scrap fabrics. The lips are shiny polyester shoulder pads from another era. I hand sewed the lips and machine appliqued the rest. She needs big hair ribbons. I found some yellow dye to color her pigtails. I'm undecided as to whether mount her head directly above the skirt, in abstraction, or to make an upper torso with clothes. I'm inclined to leave her a head with a living skirt.

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
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