What is are these bugs that are damaging my hydrangea?

Monroe, LA(Zone 8a)

I saw these things last year but they only damaged the buds of a passionflower vine that was getting eaten up by Gulf Fritillary cats so I just didn't worry about it. This year they started on a Quick Fire hydrangea and now they're on the American Beautyberry next to it. There appear to be younger versions of these bugs below the leaf at the bottom center of the picture. These white ones weren't moving at all, just sitting there in a row.

At first I though they were assassin bug larvae which would have been a good thing. But I haven't seen aphids or any other assassin bug food that could be damaging these plants. I haven't found assassin bug baby pics that look exactly like these bugs either. The flowers on the hydrangea were severely damaged and some of the leaves turned brown. Now the same thing is happening to the beautyberry. The only the parts of the plants that show damage is where these things appear. Both plants are beautiful and healthy otherwise.

I tried spraying with the hose but they just come right back. What are these and how can I get rid of them without hurting the bees and other good guys that visit? Can anyone help? Thanks!

-- Mary

Thumbnail by Zuluqueen504
Monroe, LA(Zone 8a)

This is what the damaged part of the hydrangea looks like.

Thumbnail by Zuluqueen504

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