Are Clematis leaf size and height related

Holladay, UT(Zone 5a)

I posted this question at the end of another unrelated thread, and thought I'd start a new thread to help everyone find it.

Does anyone know if clematis leaf size and height are related? I have Jackmanni, which has a large leaf, and it gets very tall, over 10 feet. I have another NOID which has a small leaf, and it doesn't get over 4 feet tall.

I just bought 2 clematis with no tags, and they have a small leaf. The flower is about 4" across on one, which I don't think is a small flower, but I need them to grow at least 8 feet (if I'm lucky!). I also bought Snow Queen, which has a large leaf, and is supposed to get up to 10 feet tall.

Thanks for any help!


(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Natalie - if no one shows up with the answer you can always write to Dan at Brushwood. He's such a helpful guy and I'd bet he would know the answer and you could relay it to us.

Holladay, UT(Zone 5a)

Thanks pirl, will do.

I may have answered the question myself. I just bought Carnaby, H. F. Young and Nelly Moser. The tags say that they get up to 15 feet, and the leaves are a lot smaller than what is on Snow Queen. The tag on Snow Queen says 8 to 10 feet, but the leaf is huge!

I still feel that the other two I bought with no name on them weren't going to get very tall. Maybe it was just a feeling, but I've learned to listen to my feelings! haha!! I returned them and got the three above, which I'm much happier with! First off, I know their names, and 2nd, they should get plenty tall to cover the trellis, which was my dream to begin with!


(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Score! When you get a good deal then all is well.

Holladay, UT(Zone 5a)

I honestly don't know what a good deal would be on a Clematis, but I paid a little less than $12 for each of the four new ones and I think it's a good deal! They are all over 4 feet tall already, so to me it was worth every penny! The other two that I took back were $8 each, and were less than 2 feet tall, and much smaller overall. I'm happy!!


(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Excellent deal! Here a four feet clematis would be $80. to $100.

Holladay, UT(Zone 5a)

Wow! I did score!!! I'm even more excited now! And, I picked up two more. I got Niobe and Asao. Asao doesn't get as tall as I had planned, but it's a beauty!


Athens, PA

I don't think leaf size has anything to do with height.

Some of the largest clematis are the Montanas and their leaves are not as big as some of the other clems. I used to have Montana Mayleen and her leaves were small in comparison to say Alba Luxurians. Mayleen can easily take over a tree at some 30 feet in height, where as AL is about 8-10 feet.

The leaves on Sweet Autumn Clematis are smallish in comparison with some of the other clems and SAC will take over a house if one lets it...

This message was edited Jun 2, 2011 9:21 AM

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Leaf size has absolutely nothing to do with height...most of the vigorous pruning group 3's have small leaves and are tall and wide

Holladay, UT(Zone 5a)

Thanks so much for the information!


(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Natalie - we just returned from a week on Cape Cod and I thought of you when I saw this clematis, Crystal Fountain, $49.99. It was barely 2' tall.

Thumbnail by pirl
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Here's the flower.

Thumbnail by pirl
Holladay, UT(Zone 5a)

Wow pirl, that's a beauty, but the $50 price tag is insane!! I thought of you yesterday when I was at my local garden center, and saw a puny clematis in a huge pot, and it was $100! I would have ran home to get my camera, but it was closing time. I know I won't be able to find it again because the place is so huge, but I just about choked! Even worse than that was the one gallon pots of Morning Glory for $20! There were maybe 2 or 3 plants total in the Morning Glory pots! I never buy anything at that garden center, other than the Honeysuckle Vine I just got, but I really love going their to window shop!


(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I have some window shopping only places, too, so I understand. Places will charge what they think they can get away with and there are those willing to pay those insane prices.

Holladay, UT(Zone 5a)

I'm shocked at the number of people who buy stuff at this place. It's always packed with people, and I bet they have 50 employees working every day! My next door neighbors parents started the nursery a little over 50 years ago, so I guess people go there out of habit. To me, it's just a waste of money They have some great plants and it's always fun to look, but I can buy great plants elsewhere at 1/4 of the price! They sell petunias in 3 inch pots for $4.00, and people buy them by the wagon full! If you drive a mile down the road you can get a 6 pack of them for $2.25, and each plant is as big as the ones in the 3 inch pots!


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