New bees - friends new and old come on in! 5/31/2011

Enid, OK

Here is a new thread!
This is the place to chat and hang out and share with friends - new and old...

Any links you all want me to add to this let me know!

We came from here...

Come on in...

Direction for free seeds for newbies here...

Newbies that get lost and found here...

Lasagna Beds for newbies here...

and here are my hollyhocks today

This message was edited May 31, 2011 7:53 PM

Thumbnail by enidcandles
Enid, OK

RRM - you had asked about my succulents - here they are

Thumbnail by enidcandles
Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

I am so glad that everyone had a great weekend. Jan, I will take some pictures tomorrow of DH's trout on the wall and post them. We really do have awesome trout fishing! It was so wonderful of you both to teach him how to fish. I really believe that simple things like that are truly the best gifts we can give our youth! We gave the twins, now 3 years old, fishing poles for their birthday this year, and are just waiting for the weather to get warm enough to take them out. ;-)
It will be great fun!

Crit, you must be psychic! Just got in from work, and have received an email from DG saying my membership has been paid for a year. Don't know who the kind soul was who was generous enough to do that for me, but am truly grateful! Love my friends here! Thanks so much! It was the best news! The generosity and kindnesses of all the great people here are absolutely touching, and have truly changed my life for the better. I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends!

Booneville, AR

thanks enid we needed a new thread nettie i still only have one of the new day lily s blooming. im like a child waiting for nice when trhey bloom [ove nettie.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Nettie, don't feel bad, we are still waiting here for our lilacs to bloom, lol! We seem to be really late this year, due to the cold dreary spring we've been having. Heck, my lilacs haven't even leafed out yet! Today turned out sunny, so that should help, and we are supposed to have a relatively sunny week now, so things should speed up. Sure hope I can find some time to get out to the flower beds and get some weeding and stuff done. I need to get some seeds in still!

Enid, OK

Wow! That just makes me want to come to Wyoming! Everything was late here this year too - my morning glory vines are just now starting to reach up - it will be July before my trellis is covered.
How I wish I could see the lilacs bloom again! I don't have a bush but my neighbor does so I bring in the blooms on my side of the fence. LOL
So glad you will be staying with us!

Nettie - my new daylilies won't be blooming this year. I had to move them and now they are kinda mad at me!

Booneville, AR

mekos atwoods said they didn,t get any of the stevia this year ill be back in ft.smiyh this weekend ill go check a couple of other places. may find one later on. if i can,t find one you may have to send me one. nettie

Booneville, AR

got me a new desert rose lost myne last year in the greenhouse mess. hope that never happens again. bad waist of time and money. nettie

Nettie, I'll be happy to send you Stevia, I am forgetful at times and ya have to remind me but I have plenty here and happy to share, I will ship later this week. Got to get a package ready for RRM too.
Keeping Kaylee wears me out and this week is my first time without her except while I was sick. I will have 3 months before she is back, so maybe now I can get stuff done. (It is really hard to do stuff dragging a baby around.)

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

You'll find it funny when I get pictures up, hopefully tomorrow, assuming the weather co-operates! It sometimes seems like it takes a long time for spring to show up, but when it finally does, things move quickly! The plants know that they only have a short time to share their beauty with us, it seems, so they really kick into high gear!

Booneville, AR

thank you mekos take your time im fine. dh tells me i am so i must be love and hugs nettie.

This message was edited Jun 1, 2011 12:13 AM

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Great picture Lori. thanks. They are looking good.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

I bought another pail full of hens and chicken at a local yard sale for just $5, I've been dividing and planting them all over the place. The original pail was badly broken, but it had a huge amount of plants.


Thumbnail by lycodad
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Prolific little fellers, ain';t they?? Cute, Al. I love them.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Cute Al! Gotta love those kinds of yard sales! Wish more people around here would sell their yards, lol! some of them are so nice!

Hi Al, those are cute! I have some in my yard and the varmits always digging in the pot and digging them out to the ground. Grrrrrrr! One of these days! (With a glazed crazed look in my eyes)!

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Well, my birdseed bandit is back again. This time he's actually tipping the feeder upside down to empty the seed out! He can dump the whole thing in a couple of minutes or so. I was thinking of filling it with hot Italian pepper flakes just to get even with him, but I don't know what that would do for the birds. I've already tried to grease the pole with Crisco but he seems to be jumping from a tree branch nearby.


Thumbnail by lycodad

Them nasty little monsters! Grrrrrr!
Did that scare him off, Al?

Enid, OK

Ah, the poor little hungry fella!

Here is my bird feeder - squirrles can't get to it!

But what a sad looking site - that was taken May 1, 2010.

Thumbnail by enidcandles
Enid, OK

Here is is May 13, 2011 - in the same spot!

Thumbnail by enidcandles
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Very good, girl. Al squirrels are pesky like that and so funny. They are desperate little bandits..

Booneville, AR

al you are gona have hens and chicks all over your yard. better love thoses little long tail monsters we can,t do anything with these here, idon,t pick up pecans anymore they start on the tree before they are ready to fall. i just wish they wouldn,t put them in my flower beds they put down roots real fast, and they are hard to get out. can,t pull them at all. just hsve to live with them. they were here first. hope you all have a bood night and a better day tomorrow. love and hugs nettie

Booneville, AR

ok sll you good people im going to bed be good im beat going to bed love and hugs to all nettie.

Enid, OK

Here are my hollyhocks today - they sure are pretty!

Thumbnail by enidcandles
Enid, OK

And my Red Velvet Lily - I think I am in love!

Thumbnail by enidcandles

Gorgeous Lori! Love the red lily

OK where is everyone hiding?
I want to tell you all something. I found Facebook a few weeks ago and I started sending friend requests to find friends to chat with and I found 2 names I recognized Little Nettie and LaVonne, Marti's sister. I sent requests and they both accepted about a month ago and we talk every couple days or so and a couple days ago I mentioned something about us here at DG and she (little nettie) wanted to know what was a DG? BIG EYES HERE!, Well I said you know over there at the garden club.... Well she says she never heard of DG and never been here, Man how much bigger my eyes got. Well we had a laugh and she still wanted to be friends and so we are but yesterday I found out my LaVonne was having a birthday so I go tell everyone and we wish her a happy birthday with cakes and all and guess what, Marti's sister ain't having her birthday till later this month. Now here was another embarrassing moment. Imagine my surprise!
2 friends accepted friend requests without even knowing who I was at all. I totally felt so stupid. How often are ya gonna find THOSE 2 names and it NOT be the ones you know?
Well, how is everyone else doing?

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Hi Jan - Weather has been HOT and I've been not so hot. It's been in the 90's here. I have to stay air conditioned because of previous heart problems, but we do get out some.

Our next music conference will be in Stowe, Vermont the week of June 19th, which coincedes with our 40th wedding anniversary. Yup - I've been married (to the same wife) for 40 years now. We'll be staying at the Von Trapp Lodge in Stowe, the original home of the family that was featured in "The Sound of Music" starring Julie Andrews. Vermont is also the home of Ben & Jerry's ice cream, Paul Newman's Green Mountain Coffee Co., and Cabot's World Famous Cheese Factory. This is gonna be fun.


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Wow we what a trip! All you need is chocolate and you will have it made...Yum!!!!

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

They do have chocolate there, Charleen, but I think it's imported from Hershey, PA...


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Then you have it made, Al. Good for you....

Hi Al, that sounds awesome! How wonderful all this for your anniversary. That is great I know you will have a great time. Maybe it will be cooler up there for you. I have never been there but I hear it is a really pretty place. My sister and her husband travel a lot and go often.
I just try to stay inside right now in the air, it is close to 100 out there and not getting better. My poor plants are brown mostly. Did get a pretty Day lily bloom.
You all take care. Anyone heard from Nettie? Hope she is ok.

Thumbnail by mekos

Another bloom but the sun is bright shining on it so color is off.

Thumbnail by mekos

My watering can begonia.

Thumbnail by mekos


Thumbnail by mekos
Enid, OK

Beauties Mekos! I am starting to worry about Nettie - hope she didn't get snake bit out there.

I made a major, major mistake! I looked at some of the new iris intros at Rockytop...$45.00 per rhizome! And there are some I really, really want too - but for that kind of money I can buy a half a tank of gas!! LOL

Booneville, AR

hi mekos how is the weather treating you. we need some rain going to do some watering in the morning. keep some of my older plants gona water the whole mess, wish i could go to bed and go to sleep but have smothing comming in the yard at night so the dogs bark and wake me up. probly a skunk or coon or smothing they don,t jike.may need to put cotton in my ear. love and hugs nettie enid some of my day lilies just droped the buds on the ground they need a drink im sure. have to watch the heat it does a job on me makes me run out of energy real fast. i just have to go real slow.

This message was edited Jun 9, 2011 9:09 PM

This message was edited Jun 9, 2011 9:39 PM

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Hey! - I got a flying "Charley" in the mail today. He has an airplane on his hat! Thanks Charleen, I love him. I'll give him an airplane ride soon as I get a chance.


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I'm so glad you like him. I was sort of scared you might not.
I took a picture of him, so I wouldn't forget. Now we need one of you wearing him...
so happy that you like him.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule

Hi Nettie, I was getting worried about you. Good to see you about, be careful in that heat and drink lots of fluids.
Congrats Al!
No way I could afford that kind of money for a flower!
Got a few more Day lily blooms and my Devil's Claw has got 2 claws on it. Yippie!

Thumbnail by mekos

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