help with tree selection please

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Hi! We have 3 aspen trees in our front yard, and the tree in the middle was girdled a couple of years ago from deer scraping on them. The base of the tree, and the roots, are fine, but the top of the tree from about 2 feet from the ground is now dead. We are planning on removing it this spring, and are wanting ideas for a replacement. I would really love to have something with a red leaf fall color! I think something with red leaves in the fall would look great with the 2 yellow leaved trees (aspens) on each side! Any ideas and suggestions?

Saraland, AL(Zone 8b)

Autumn Blaze red maple (not Japanese maple) if it will grow in your zone.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Thanks for the suggestion! I'm going to check now and see how cold hardy it is! I absolutely love the red leaves that the trees on the east coast get in the fall, so am really happy to get a suggestion!

Just checked, and from everything that I've read so far, they are extremely cold hardy, zone 3, and look gorgeous! I love them! Thanks so much JCalhoun! Am going to find one just such a tree! Autumn Blaze it will be! And they are fast growing to boot, so a win, win tree!

Saraland, AL(Zone 8b)

Just a FYI if you should read at least once:

My neighbor has two of them that were planted in the fall and have really done well. The only thing he had to do later is stake them. The stong gusty storms we get here on the Gulf Coast will uproot them until they get a good foot hold.

Yeah, I also like the autumn colors the eastern part of the country gets. Unfortunately, on the Gulf Coast we don't get much of that. We do get a really nice spring time though.

I like the way the aspens look with the yellow leaves. Can't grow those here either.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Amazing how so many plants just don't grow in parts of the country, lol! We always want something we can't get established, it seems. I would go nuts living in the south though. Too hot, humid, and Way to many bugs, teeheehee!

Saraland, AL(Zone 8b)

Yeah, I know what you mean. I spent a 10 day vacation in the Buffalo, NY area a few years ago. I was so tired of the snow I could hardly wait to get back south.

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