CLOSED: Houseplants / Tropicals Swap, The Wrap Up Con't - Page 18

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Now that most of us are in a heat wave, Priority Mail when it's convenient for you and you get a break from the heat. I'm sure we'd rather wait than have plants arrive as crispy critters.

Please DO NOT reveal your buddy until you receive your plants and post a photo with a description when you receive them.



Our twice-a-year Houseplants/Tropicals Swap is held in the Spring and Fall. We share a minimum of 3 healthy houseplants and/or tropicals whose value is $20 excluding Priority Mail with a Delivery Confirmation number. Feel free to divide plants you already have or propagate new ones from cuttings. If your budget permits, you're also welcome to include other gardening items such as gloves, water globes, plant markers, etc.

Here's the link to our previous chat thread:

And these are our Links to Haves / Wishes / Cuttings / and Side Trades:
Page 1:
Page 2:
Page 3:
Please keep your list updated regularly if you are participating in side trades.

This message was edited Jun 9, 2011 6:10 PM

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Our confirmed Participants are:

AmandaEsq / Amanda -- > Rec's from jsxtiger
candles4u / Crystal
careyana / Carey --> Rec'd from ridesredmule
Carolyn22 / Carolyn -- > Rec'd from diamond9192002
chellflower / Chell -- > Rec'd from GAgirl1066
ClanCampbell / Chris: --> Rec'd from candles4u
Crit / Patti --> Rec'd from FruitOfTHeVine
diamond9192002 / Anita -- > Rec'd from tikipod
Dispatcher1 / Lou -- > Rec'd from Carolyn22
Dizzy45vines / Carol
FruitOfTheVine / Susan -- > Rec'd from AmandaEsq
GAgirl1066 / Paula --> Rec'd from rouxcrew
GardenQuilts / Lori Lynn: --> Rec'd from Crit
goldhillal / Crystal -- Haves:
and Wants: -- > Rec'd from plantsforpeg
happgarden / Joyce: --> Rec'd from goldhillal
ilovejesus99 / Sandy: -- . Rec'd from GardenQuilts
janaestone / Di -- > Rec'd from happgarden
JenniferShipway / Jennifer:
joeswife / Debra -- > Rec'd from Robynznest
jsxtiger / Jax ---> Rec'd from joeswife
Mud_Elf / Kris:
plantsforpeg / Peggy:
ridesredmule / Charleen -- > Rec'd from ilovejesus99
Robynznest / Robin: --> Rec'd from careyana
rouxcrew / Joy --> Rec'd from Dispatcher1
roxxanne / Rox --> Rec'd from Chellflower
rvnsbrk / Neener
tikipod / Angie --> Rec'd from ClanCampbell
Tina_A / Tina -- > Rec'd from roxxanne

This message was edited Jun 10, 2011 8:41 PM

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

The best surprise of all was having a chance to meet you, Amanda! OMG, do you know how to pack a box. There was even a box within the big box that had Coleus cuttings. Where should I start?

My newest plants include Spider pups & Wandering Jew cuttings, a gorgeous double yellow-blooming Begonia and a Begonia cutting that has Salmon blooms, a large Anthurium plant, a double-blooming Salmon Impatiens, and a fleeting Sago Palm you knew I really, really wanted :) Other surprises were several Succulents.

And that's not all. Like I mentioned in our D-mails, Amanda, I'm gonna send you a photo of a couple of mystery plants. If you can ID them, that's great. If you can't, suffice it say that I'm a very happy camper. You rock and so does Snoopy!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I'm here.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

That's a handsome Iris bloom, Char, and looks like a large one. Love those deep purple veins. The handful of Irises I have have finished for the moment. Can't remember now which ones I have that are rebloomers other than Immortaility.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Fruity, I just knew you would be a good plant momma. I was very lucky to get you as my swapee. :)

You know how to throw a party. Wish I could have stayed longer, but I got back in time to feed my neighbor's goat, Billy.

See you soon! And I'll be waiting to try to ID the mystery plants. The long green "stick" is an air root from a Kanagroo Paw fern. I think. :D


(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Sounds like a lovely mix!

I was lucky enough to find the camera but the battery was dead and can't find the charger. GRRR.

Di, I did indeed get the Hindu Rope. WOW! That thing is enormous! I'm going to have to find a home for it soon - I don't think I have a pot that's big enough for it right now!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Would you post a pic of your Hindu Rope?

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

OK, here's my loot. Not all these are for the swap, are they, Amanda, since we had trades going on for our RU?

There are only a couple I need help with. What's the plant on the bottom row between the last two succulents? Don't know the name of the first and third succulents either but that's ok. Cool looking plants I've already put with the Hens & Chicks. I'm pretty sure the one in the middle is Kalanchoe "Flippin Flapjacks", will know for sure if the petals turn rosy red. And are the large cuttings on either side of the pic Epi's?

This message was edited May 30, 2011 6:49 PM

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Here's my lovely double-bloomers, a Yellow Begonia, and a Pink Impatiens that reminds me of a Rose. An Anthurium is peeking out from the middle.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Athens, PA


Not sure what the plant is in the middle, but the plant on the left is a rhipsalis and the plant on the right is an epiphyllum....

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

{{{Neener}}} The conversation with your Mom must have played in your mind 100 times on your long drive home. Just know we all love you and are always here for you :)

I could not have said this better.

My buddies package will be picked up by mail carrier tomorrow. Already scheduled and FOTV has confirmation number. I am really excited now. You all will finally find out what the plant is I was so excited about buying. AND GUESS WHAT....It didn't even lose one leaf from not being taken good care of....that is a first something was watered just right for that long a time. Mine lost 2 leaves. lol

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hey Susan:

Almost all the plants were for the houseplant swap except the double salmon impatiens which I bought for me, but I had 2 and they were so pretty I hoped you might like it. I think the sago palm was a side trade in response to your wish for small palm(s).

The anthurium I had and was going to send for houseplant swap.

The tiny fern piece came off a giant fern I brought home from school which I have been tending for 2 years. I hope it grows for you.

The coleus clippings I started this spring I think in response to reading either your wants on your member page or somewhere in a swap somewhere. See - I pay attention to the important stuff.

There is the Kangaroo Paw air root (?!) which I have no idea if it will take but came off a damaged plant at WM 1842.

The dragon wing and angel wing cuttings were for the swap off your wants list.

The succulents I got at the farmers market for the swap when you said to dazzle you with unknown whatevers - where is the plant that I packed in place in an open box with the peanuts to secure it in place? I bought one of those for me too - when it was smaller it looked like fireworks to me with all those tiny babies coming off the main plant. I love it. I am hooked on succulents.

The purple ivy geranium start is from one that I have and was going to include in the swap. I hope you love it like I do. The tiny hen & chick start in that same clay pot survived the winter and came along for the ride.

OH! The cuttings on either side of the picture: the long flat ones are from a night blooming cereus which you said you wanted on your wants page (?) and the other cuttings are from an orchid cactus. I thought I wrote the names on the plastic bags they were in. I got those from a neighbor's plants when I helped her get them out of her basement for the summer.

Phew! There were "purple knight" alternanthera cuttings in there with the coleus, some setcresia, gosh I forget!!! :D

Let me know if I forgot anything.


p.s. I am glad I could deliver this in person. The number/amount of plants I came across just grew and grew when you extended the deadline to ship to May 30. I am not sure I could ship as cheap as Elfie no matter how I tried...

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

ok group - help me with an ID.

This looks like a sweet potato to me, but I can't ID it. It is prolific in the shade with these sweet white flowers. Grows about 12" high and spreads...

I included some cuttings from my neighbor's front yard in Fruity's box and neither one of us know what it is.

Thumbnail by AmandaEsq
(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

Is it possible you could take a picture of the plant itself?

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

not an i.batata, i am sure... beautiful, tho. sure am praying for your strength, neener..
glad you all had a good time at the RU.. wish I had gone.


Thumbnail by joeswife
(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

oh man! had me knife and butter all ready when i heard sweet potato! but is not!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I will get a snap of the plant in the ground and post later today. It is most unusual . . ..

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

BAD NEWS! My package was in the pocesssion of the po for 8 days mailed priority! Should hit my buddies home today.....

Your item arrived at 6:14 am on May 31, 2011. The Postal Service expects to deliver the item on Tuesday, May 31, 2011. Information, if available, is updated periodically throughout the day. Please check again later.
Arrival at Post Office, May 31, 2011, 6:14 am,
Processed through Sort Facility, May 29, 2011,
Acceptance, May 23, 2011, 11:42 am, Kansas City, MO

Hey, buddy, please post a pic, I have duplicates so if something didn't make it please let me know.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

That stinks. :/

Hope your stuff didn't mind taking a dark nap.


Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

The nap I am not so worried about, but the moisture content....grrrrrhhhhh....

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh no happ! Praying they all made it through unscathed!

Thankfully got my box out today. Look out buddy! I think you'll be happy! :)

Fruity - the long flat succulents indeed look like night-blooming cereus (epiphyllum oxypetallum) I was lucky enough to receive some from Peg who sent lovely lovely plants that I hope will bloom next year. :)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

You crack me up, Jax, as usual :)

I printed your post, Amanda, to help me keep track of the many plants and cuttings you shared. Really am excited to try the Night Blooming Cereus and Orchid Cactus. I planted the cuttings yesterday but now I'm wondering if I should have let them heal or if you think they had already had time to? Oh, the succulent you affectionately called "fireworks" is in the middle row in the black pot. You probably did write names on the bags but I was in too big a hurry unpacking to notice.

Don't remember which swap it was for at the moment, happ, but I too sent a Priority Box last year that took 8 days to arrive.

Forgot to thank y'all who sent Delivery Confirmation numbers to me the past few days. Can't wait to see the plants you shared with your Buddy.

This message was edited May 31, 2011 6:30 PM

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Fruity - what you did with the cereus works just fine. I rooted one just the same way.

In fact, I had a few questionable looking flowering succulents that I had to trim back - stuck 'em in dirt and watered, and now they're growing like crazy. :)

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Well, it says it was delivered at noon today....good grief, hope I didn't do something stupid. It has really been hot here and if those plants were stuck in Missouri on a truck, holey moley, they will be crispy critters! yikes......

fotv, that happened to you? Guess I could go get my money back.....I always bragged on the po cause I always had good service, guess there is always something somewhere. Now to here the verdict on the plants, I don't think it will be good, that is way too long.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

They may be o.k. Just need some water. Just wait and see.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks for letting me know Carey, and hope it was OK to go ahead and plant the Orchid Cactus too.

happ, looking back, it was my box to Mittsy for the October Fest. In fact I mailed two boxes to her for that particular swap on the same day. One arrived on time in 3 days and the other one took 8 days. There weren't any plants in either one of them, though.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Sometimes my mail girl puts mine in a shadey area of my porch.
Post Office is a pain sometimes.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Does anyone have a rooted Night Blooming Jasmine? I lost mine and would love to have another.

Just thought I would ask.

Blackshear, GA

Hello everyone,
Haven't checked in for a while. My son graduated from high school and then we took a week vacation for family time. Left Monday to take him to college and got back yesterday. Oh what a SAD drive home. I cried almost all the way home (2 1/2 hours) and more to come I am sure. I just feel like a part of me is gone. We were really close and I am going to miss him so much.

I still have some side trades to get out, been so busy, just haven't had time. Soon...

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Sent my confirmation to fruity. Box going out today for my buddy. Sorry I was at the end of the line on this!!!! Added a couple of perennials along with the houseplants for being so late.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

(((Hugs Paula))). He's probably feeling just as lost as you are.

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

My buddy's box is scheduled for arrival tomorrow! I sure hope she likes it all!!

Athens, PA

Paula -

I know how you feel - when my daughter went off to school, both DH and I cried.

Every time I would go into her room, I would just sob - it hurt so badly. Do you think I could stay out of her room? No, I would go in there and just bawl.

{{Hugs}} It will get easier. Promise ^_^

Blackshear, GA

Thanks Fruity and Carolyn, I know it will, but it sure leaves a big hole in your heart, it seems. He's coming home tomorrow, so that will be nice. He's in a very small town, and being new, he doesn't know anyone and I am sure is a little homesick already.

I have so many things blooming and I don't even have time to take pictures. I was out in the yard this afternoon mowing grass and noticed my gloriosa lily blooming. I thought it had died and low and behold it had 4 blooms on it. I will take pictures tomorrow.

Fruity...we have windows installed and will be putting the shingles on the new house tomorrow.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

My buddies box should be delivered on Friday! Sorry I'm late getting it out. Hope all arrives OK.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hurray Crit! :D

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Uh oh - my buddy's box has been "processed through the sort facility" two nights in a row. I have a feeling she won't see it today. :(

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

USPS ought to get with it like UPS and FedEx and give up-to-the-minute updates. Hang in there, Carey.

You have to feel like you're on a roller coaster ride, GA. Sad on one hand your Son is in College, and ecstatic on the other one being able to build a new home. You really have your plate full and hope you had a nice reunion with your Son today :) Both your kids are bright, and know you're such a proud Mom. I bet he'll make friends in no time.

Some of the Callas I ordered are about to bloom, Carolyn. How are yours doing? You know I'd never tried to grow them before. Thank you so much for your help and also the ones you shared with me.

A Butterfly with the same colors as Coneflower "Tiki Torch" landed on one of the blooms today. Thought that was pretty cool.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Hmmmm, it said it left for delivery at 11:50am. HOPING? I know it's getting warm so I'd hate for the plants to sit in a hot building/truck again...

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