help id this

Newfield, NY

it is not -can can red

Thumbnail by doridunn
Statesville, NC

I think it could be 'Play With Fire'

Statesville, NC

Here's the link for the 'Play With Fire' entry here on Dave's Garden. Hope it helps; good luck:)

Newfield, NY

liliesandme-thank you

Statesville, NC

You're welcome:)

Vail, AZ

It could be Red Hot Lover

Thumbnail by redheadclan
Vail, AZ

or canned heat

Thumbnail by redheadclan
Newfield, NY

did i get it from you -redheadclan
are you sale your yet?

Newfield, NY

i did get canned heat from you.cant keep tage on them say there name of them.gggrr
how do you keep track of your?

Vail, AZ

Yes, my web site is updated. I use a Brother Ptouch Labeler on metal stakes like this.

Thumbnail by redheadclan
Newfield, NY

Are the labels in a plastic pouch?

Vail, AZ

No, they're in a role like a type writer ribbon

Thumbnail by redheadclan
Newfield, NY

the rain dosnt water it away?need your website again and did the iris i send bloom yet? here one your sent me

Thumbnail by doridunn
Vail, AZ

The labels are weather proof.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I have one of those labelers, may have to try that. Where do you get the metal tag holders?

Vail, AZ, Make sure you get the watterproof label cartridge.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

THANKS! Put it in my favorites

Newfield, NY

where do you get your water proof lables?

Vail, AZ

From any office supply store.

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