My 2011 containers

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Beautiful containers and like the others I look forward to seeing your posts. Wonderful job.

New Hampshire, NH(Zone 5b)

I sort of accidentally stumbled upon this thread and I'm glad I did. Your containers are just beautiful - the combination of colors and textures is wonderful and your photography skills are great too! Very artistic!

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Thanks for all the great pictures of all your gorgeous containers! Really enjoy them! I found some mimulus this year in a local nursery, and picked up a couple of litte ones, but the nursery had never carried them before, and couldn't tell me a thing about them. I would love to know what to do with them, lol! Do they like sun/ shade? How big do they get? Any info you could give me on them would be great! Thanks!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

This mornings photos.I just love the lobelia.The deck is shaping up too. Too sunny there now for photos.

Thumbnail by ge1836
Ventress, LA(Zone 8b)

Wonderful displays TomTom. Glad to see you start another thread. Your are a true wonderful artist.

I tried planting lobelia seeds this spring without any success. Right now we are having daytime weather of 100 degrees which has my plants drooping. I water almost everyday.

What would you suggest for this type weather?

Please continue posting pics for us. You inspire us all.

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Thank you all for your respons

Snapdragon 'Pink Champagne 'is my most favorite.
I buy the seeds from 'Plants of Distinction' perhaps
but this year apparently they don't sell them.

Long time no see!
How I wish I myself look as voluptuous as my flowers. LOL

I myself look forward to seeing your photos.

Marie I think there is lot of fun in combination in container planting.
Thank you

Yes ,grouping and arranging are the pleasures of continer gardenig.
I'm happy to be any help to you.

thank you . I'm so flattered.

You're the first person to refer to my photography !!
Thank you.

How nice to get Mimulus ! It's highly ornamental.
I'm not sure what species you got, but chances are that
they are hybrid.
In case ,they grow 30cm tall and 30cm wide.
They are easy to devide adn cut.
I'll show you the step-by-step photos of making a basket.

How to make Mimulus basket 1

Thumbnail by Tomtom
OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

How to make Mimulus basket 2

Thumbnail by Tomtom
OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

How to make Mimulus basket 3

Finisshed !!

Thumbnail by Tomtom
OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Extra .
Mimulus cardinalis

Thumbnail by Tomtom
OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)


Lobelia is so vulnerable to heat.We(zone 9b)sow the seeds in autume or in early spring.
When you buy the plants, you'd better do so in the early spring.
good luck !

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Lobelias do like it cool.I have had the best success with fullsize plants from Romence Gardens.
I plant them in containers with other plants,that are 18-20 inches diameter and keep them in a part sun location.
Last summer my lobelias dried up and looked awful.
Z6 is having a cool spring now so we are able to keep containers from drying up.
July and August are the hottest here.
We will see how lobelias progress then.
I have never had luck with seed.
TomTom the mimulas are beautiful.

Ventress, LA(Zone 8b)

I did purchase all varieties of Kale from I will sow these in the fall for winter containers.
I too love Kale.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Your photos have always been excellent, Tomtom!

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

TomTom, thanks for all the info! You're mimulus are gorgeous! Now I don't expect mine to turn out as nice as yours, but I have something to shoot for now, lol! Do you have yours in full sun, shade, or a combination? It is such a big help knowing what to do with these! I know that most people won't pick up strange plants without a clue as to what to do with them, but that obviously does not apply to me. Do you overwinter yours outside or can they be moved inside for the winter? They have such cute little flowers on them, I would love to try to keep them year round.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

You're containers are absolutely stunning! I am so awestruck! Love your diascias and are definately putting those on my list for 2012 too! Going to go back thru all your older posts as well and look at all your pictures ;-)

Tomah, WI

Absolutely beautiful! Every single one!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Thanks mattsmom.I love to spend the winter making choices. I am tending toward perennials in addition to the coleus.
As in all gardening some I had high hopes for didnt really succede

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

TomTom...We do enjoy seeing your container and consider them works of art. It gives me lots of ideas for color combination. That last picture..I'm not familiar with that will have to look it up in the plant files. Do you buy starter plants from a local nursery/garden center or do you grow everything from seeds yourself? How do you have the flowers planted in the first few photos? Are they inside another pot or planted inside the basket itself?

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Gosh, it sure would be nice if you did like some tuitorial of how you create your container selections and show pictures of products you used. They may be different than what we have in USA but maybe we will recognize them. Do you use potting MIX when you pot up a container or use a soiless seed starting mix. You mentioned you don't use a special kind of soil but use something that has leaf molt added. I wonder if that is like a soil conditioner here called Leaf Gro?

I'm so fascinated by your artistic creativity and envious to be trueful! We do appreciate you sharing your beautiful photos with us and look forward to them so much. Wished you would post more than once a year.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Beautiful baskets. One talented gardener. Love to all of you and be safe and enjoy the 4th.

Sharon. And all is well.

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Hi all,
Here are my recently containes.
#17 big pot planting

Thumbnail by Tomtom
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Beautiful, Tomtom. You are so creative and so good with container planting!

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

#18 Fuchiso and Amaranthus behind

Thumbnail by Tomtom
Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the update Tom Tom.those are wonderful. I also love the Dicondra for a spiller.

Thumbnail by ge1836
OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Hi pirl,
Thank you for your compliment.
I'm so happy.

Your container goes extremely well with the deck.
The bright silver of Dicondra is simply gorgeous .
I always use it in my summer and fall containers.

thank you.


Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

What is the small red flower in photo#6? Everything is so beautiful! Thanks for sharing and giving us all kinds of ideas on mixing different colored plants together. You have such a creative touch! We look forward to any of your pictures, anytime of the year!

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

That red flower is Alonsoa.
I love it's vivid color.


Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Breath taking.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

When you be posting your 2012 container gardens? I just posted a message asking about you. In your 2011 pictures, Picture#7 I know what the flowers are in top pot(violas or Johnny Jump-ups) What is the pink flower on the right with yellow center? The purple and blue plants?

Do you think some of these seeds can be purchased here in the USA?

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