Charlotte, VT

I still can't get into my garden because it rains practically every day. It's a sea of mud. I guess I should stop complaining because of the tornados that other people in the country have had. Hopefully they'll be a change in the weather soon. I'm predicting a summer drought to average out the spring rain.

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

I agree with your prediction. Reminds me of 2 yrs ago when we went from an unusually cool, cloudy & rainy spring to 93°+ and no rain for weeks.. ugh.

Montpelier, VT

Dear U-2 follks remarks about our horrible wet weather in N.E. (and all over the world) I am guessing this will be a wet summer unlike both of you. Have no clue why I'm saying that but lovingly remember maybe 3 summers ago when I didn't have to lug a 100 ft. really heavy 30 yr. old hose to all growing things above our big flat parking lot (at camp by pond for 3 months in summer ~ back in Mplr. 7 mos.) huge pinewooded giant Pines, for the most part to fruit trees, organic veggies, day-lilies, etc.)

But did (more-or-less) feel sorry for the working younger generation, farmer's markets, money-raisers for all sources ~ ~ ~ that didn't have a great family weekend or success in their endeavors. Good & not so, for many generations and busineses to survive in these 4 yrs. of not so great days ~ economy, weather or health which has become a mid-70s issue for me a tiny bit so far. It's kinda' like in recent years (& our plant decisions) is deep into menopause and may set us on our ear if this over populated planet doesn't get our act together. (Forgive my spelling as a rapid typist who doesn't check. ckl

2 years ago we had Blight !

Charlotte, VT

I just heard on the radio that there's blight warnings already because of the wet weather. If I ever get into my garden I'll have to start spraying right away and I hate to use those blight sprays.

Thomaston, CT

Still have not planted my warm weather crops....just too muddy.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Wet summer prediction here.

I dont care how wet it is as long as blight dont show up. 2 years ago when it hit I just about gave up growing everything. I let all the flowers go and did not have a desire to plant 1 tomatoe plant. The ones I did plant got no care, notta, none meaning nothing.

This year my desire came back into full swing. 96 tomats and if I get blight I will come up missing again, for good.

Thomaston, CT

I just planted 14 toms & 2 peppers, plus about a dozen flowers....I'm now exhausted!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Still have not done my veggies and some annuals. Way behind.

Charlotte, VT

As of Sunday I'll be 2 weeks behind. I'm going to plant potatoes eventually, I hope. I am green sprouting them. That's where you put the potato seed in the sun inside your house. Instead of getting long lanky white sprouts you get short green sturdy sprouts that are the beginning of leaves. It helps to give the potatoes a good head start and that will be important this year!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I'm way behind too with the rain, then I was sick, now it's too stinkin' HOT!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

a lot of my seedlings are struggling with the lack of sun this year... and I am also way behind planting

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Same with me, Jen. Weather, knee, heat...

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Got my container planting done except for my tomatoes

Essex Junction, VT(Zone 4a)

look, other Vermonters! w00t!

yes, been way rainy here. was going to work on some stuff this morning but it was SO humid it was unbearable. And never been so happy to live on sand and in a newer house - so many flood horror stories.

Charlotte, VT

Evie, I live in Charlotte where the Kennedy Brothers used to get clay for the pots they made in Vergennes! Thanks to some local horses I've been able to amend the soil a bit. I'm hoping for a week of dry and windy weather. My basement isn't flooded either. Thank goodness for some things.

Charlotte, VT

Evie, I just had a thought. Would you be interested in some bintje and purple majesty seed potatoes? I have to order a minimum number of pounds just to get the potatoes that I want. I probably have about 3 pounds of bintje and 1.5 of purple majesty. If you have something in trade so much so the better. I go to Essex Junction on Thursdays. I glad to meet another Vermonter on this website!

Essex Junction, VT(Zone 4a)

You are kind to offer. But I only do landscape gardening; no edilbles. Though the voles might like them :)

Wow, I can't imagine trying to work with your soil! Though sounds like you could take up pottery.

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