Trimming a topiary Norwegian Spruce???

Peoria, IL(Zone 5b)

This topiary has been in my garden for about 12 years. I'm not sure what type it is but for some reason Norwegian Spruce rings a bell but I think that is incorrect. Does anyone have advice on how to trim it a bit. It's starting to go over
my walkway which is a main route to take garbage out etc. I really don't want to have to move the stepping stones. I've never trimmed this and I'm a bit scared to. I gave one to my folks and they killed it. Dad pruned it often. Any thoughts?

Thumbnail by micheflowers
Peoria, IL(Zone 5b)

Also posting a closeup in case someone can tell me if I'm correct on what type of topiary this is! I live in
Central Illinois and I can tell you I've spent a lot of time brushing snow off of this...even in the middle of the night when we have blizzards!

Thumbnail by micheflowers
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Trimming it a little bit shouldn't hurt it. I don't know how often your dad pruned his, but it could well have been something else that killed it not the pruning. And even if he did kill it by overpruning, a little trim when it hasn't been touched in 12 yrs shouldn't be a problem.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Does look like one of the dwarf cultivars of Norway Spruce, perhaps 'Clanbrassiliana'. You can trim it, but do so carefully; only cut this year's growth (the pale, soft fresh foliage), and don't cut back more than about half or two thirds of it.


Peoria, IL(Zone 5b)

Thank you so much ecrane and Resin. I love my gardens but I am not a good pruner. Will go carefully with a hand clippers I think! Just one more thought...should it be thinned a bit. It's awfully dense which I know hurts boxwoods but not sure about this...

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