Greykyttyn is okay!

Richmond, TX

I'll keep that in mind. - The hair bleaching thing, that is.

I can't picture the laundry basket arrangement. What would keep the cat in?

This message was edited Jun 15, 2011 10:20 AM

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

I'd be afraid they pull the blanket down in with themselves, and either escape or restrict air flow. You can put two laundry baskets together with the cat(s) inside, and fasten with zip strips, but it's pretty cumbersome. Make sure you have something to cut them apart, tho (can't imagine why I know this:).
You could actually make tops for them, I guess, why not? Cut a piece of wood the right size, attach to one side with rope or zip ties, and close the other the same way

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

the wood top might work.. but it would be cumbersome... blanket my cats would get out of... my cats aren't wild at all... till u put them in a carrier.. then they freak out.

didn't dye her hair pink yet... our nerves were too shot to do it.

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

I thought i'd let everyone know Esquire Magazine did a few articles on the tornado & my Hannah will be in it if anyone wishes to read them. Not sure how long till they come out.

Will probably only be lurking on here.. we are taking in Hannah's little sister Abby starting this Sunday thru the 17th of July. Her mom called & asked if we'd take her. sure is going to be interesting. They just may learn to like PB&J more so than they do... and eggs since groceries are so high..... got 40 eggs last week in 3 days from the hens.. unfortunately I've got eggs coming out my ears now. lots of hard boiled & deviled eggs coming up. So pray for us... 6 children now, 17 to 20 months. My DH keeps fussing I'm nesting... only with kids instead of items in the house. He was all for taking them both in tho. So no problems there, he just likes to pick on me.

o!!! i was down at the coop today looking and i have a half silkie half something else... she has a silkie head, silkie toes & feet and a smooth dark golden body with black streaks like you'd drug your fingers in black ink then down her sides & tail. will have to get a photo & post of her on the wall. :) she's beautiful!

Mint Hill, NC(Zone 7b)

Make some egg salad and potato salad with some of those eggs....Yummy!

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

oo thanks wren!

titaniumRX8... potato salad sounds awesome! a friend has a recipe for mashed potato salad...

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I can't do fundraising here, but we all know Cindy needs some help. my email is if you want info.

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