Z6 May Pop??

Marshfield, MA

Anyone have much success with passiflora in Z6. I have tried and understand they POP late but mine don't POP at all. Any cultural suggestions from successful growers would be very cool.

PS.. If you could get the rain to stop for a couple of days I would appreciate it and I usually LOVE it but it's beating my flowering plants to a pulp!!

Thomaston, CT

Hi Rotted......there is another thread on the passiflora going....we all decided we can't grow them!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

yes we have... so far I still do not see my 2 that were planted last year

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Mine is in the pot with one of the Mandevilla vines and it is doing fine. It's been on the porch all winter - very cool.

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