Jackmanii leaves are yellowing

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

My Jackmanii clematis has always been hardy and very prolific but this year it started out with yellow leaves. I read some of the older threads and took advice to apply 2 Tbls. Epsom Salts in 2 gallons of water and pour around the base of the plant. I then topdressed with composted cow manure. I did this exactly 1 week ago and I am wondering if this is enough. Is there something else I can do to help it?

Thumbnail by toni5735
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Here is another view of the whole plant

Thumbnail by toni5735
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I found this on the web and hope it helps:

Q. Can you tell me why my clematis leaves are turning yellow?

A. Classical symptoms of manganese (Mn) deficiency! Could be brought on by poor drainage or low organic matter content in the soil. Another possibility could be excess iron being available from a chelated form being applied.

When the interveinal chlorosis shows up on older foliage like this, and the new growth appears normal, it is manganese deficiency. Iron deficiency shows the same symptoms, but on the new growth only.

What to do? There are several manganese formulations available. I would suggest looking for a Mn EDTA chelate or an organic complex. This is a trace or micro-element, so not much is needed. If you have not mulched the clematis with peat moss or compost, I'd suggest doing so.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Thank you pirl, I'm so confused b/c my other clematis' look just fine. I have mulched with compost and keep checking it everyday. I would hate to lose this plant as I've had it for years. The only thing that has changed is the addition of the half whiskey barrel planter that was added last spring. I had no problems with the clematis last summer though. I wonder if the roots are being smothered by the planter?

Is there a specific manganese remedy that I can purchase?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

My guess is that the whiskey barrel is not smothering the roots. Can you put anything under the barrel in case something is leaching into the soil and creating the problem?

I found this: http://www.spectrumanalytic.com/support/library/ff/Mn_Basics.htm
Please read the very last paragraph on the page.

Probably any full service nursery would have MN available for purchase and you wouldn't need much.

I'll write and ask a very knowledgeable DG person to drop in and try and help you.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Thank you pirl, I appreciate all your time and effort in helping me.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I love to learn so it's been interesting for me as well, Toni.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Just an update, my clem is still continuing to yellow. I trully believe it's all the rain we've been having and the area it's planted in tends to get wetter b/c of a gutter drainspout on the garage. Never had this happen before but that's my guess. I did talk to a nursery and they recommended a product by Encap called Fast Acting Iron Plus for Super Green Gardens. I'll work some in tomorrow since we had torrential rains today and the ground is so saturated it's impossible to plant anything much less stir the soil.

On another note, one of my Will Goodwins is wilting. It does this every year without fail but it always comes back. I have two planted on either side of another Jackmanii (which is as green as can be) and they have been very poor growers since I bought them. I'm tempted to end it with them but I don't have the heart to dig them out.

This has been such a challenging year gardenwise. Crazy weather and so much rain has prevented me from putting in all my flowers and this week calls for more rain every other day. Will we ever dry out?

Anyway, here's a pic of yellow clem as he is now.

Thumbnail by toni5735
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Here's wilty Will.

Thumbnail by toni5735
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

This is a straight on shot of the area where all my clems grow. The extreme left is yellow clem (Jackmanii). The center one is green clem (Jackmanii) and on either side are Will Goodwins. The Will on the extreme right is the wilty one. The left Will is feeling good so far.

Thumbnail by toni5735
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I'd try the Ironite and hope for the best. Good luck and please let us know what happens.

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