Worst news ever!

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

The management where I live told me I can't grow climbing flowers, so I had to give away my MG's and a clematis I just planted. Whine, whine....


(Zone 7a)

Well, that was certainly a mean-spirited thing of them to do, Judith - I'm very sorry to hear that. How about doing a "Shangri-la" corner indoors with these forbidden beauties? Soulja and Joeswife (among others) have shared their experiences doing just that, so how about checking out those threads? And then there's the weeping Sidare, and those dwarf Kawaii, Sun Smiles and Good Morning MGs, although in my garden, I would still have had to keep the last three pruned to satisfy your management.

And then there are tons of fascinating MG species that don't climb - Ipomoea albivenia, I. leptophylla, I. alpina, etc. The I. albivenia is a fragrant moonflower with a caudex. Lots of possibilities there, too.

Boos to your management & I hope you'll keep in touch,

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Judith - I am so sorry to hear about the new rule from your apartment manager! I have a beautiful MG that is a weeping JMG. I hope to have some seeds soon! Dmail if you would like some. They grow best in hanging baskets or a container that is elevated so the vine can drape down. It is NOT a climbing MG!

Mesilla Park, NM

Maybe they didn't want anything climbing the walls or their fences/rails. You could plant a tree in a pot and let them grow up that, although most of the purpureas will choke and kill a small sapling, so you may only be able to grow I. nils with this method. Good luck, and I hope you get to have your vine fix somehow.

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Thanks, all. We had a neighbor complain about the trellis, of all things. It was a lovely bronze obelisk. She thought it was ugly and sent a letter to the board of directors. They ruled that everyone could have 4 pots, so the management told me I could spread out all my pots in front of places where there were no pots already. I have 7, one of which I put in front of my gardener neighbor's place. She has four now.

Somebody planted some MG seeds in a large pot, they sprouted this morning, but this person moved yesterday. One of the neighbors is going to keep them short and leave one or two long and wrap it around the pot which is about 24" wide. That should be interesting.

Here's a pic of my four pots -- can't see the whole thing in this photo.

Thumbnail by revclaus
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

for someone to have nothing else better to do than to complain, they need a life. Sorry to hear that.


(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Judith - Your container gardening is looking great! Sorry to hear about the nasty neighbor. Maybe they are afraid the vines will block their view of the people they are spying on?!!! LOL! It's too bad! I think the vines would've looked awesome! If you would like some of the weeping MG seeds of Sidare, let me know. I may have seeds in a few weeks. The blooms must be high nectar as every single bloom has produce a seed pod! I am not hand pollinating them at all. :-)

Here is a photo of my Sidare vines growing in a raised pot. You can see the weeping habit of this Kyushu University cultivar.

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Becky, that would be great! We have a couple of pots here that could use weeping MGs. I'd never heard of them. They're gorgeous.

Jan, she still strolls by our plants, but now all my neighbors are doing it too. Five of us have lined up pots and chairs on the rocks in front of our place. I'd love to see her complain now. It looks fabulous!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Best revenge is to smile as she walks by and invite her to smell the flowers! :-) I'll let you know when I get seeds so I can get your new address. :-)

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

way to go, yes indeed ask her to stop and smell them....LOL


(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

I never see her, but others have. I'll suggest that. Here's a photo showing what I see kitty corner to the west from me. Hard to see all the pots, but they're there.

Thumbnail by revclaus
(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

And here's what I see directly across the way. It's the facility's garden outside the administration building.

Thumbnail by revclaus
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

such a CLEAN place and very inviting to me.


Victoria, TX(Zone 9a)

revclaus........... I grow a very pretty passion vine in a large pot. It is a climber, but I simply put a metal trellis I bought from Lowe's in the back of the pot ant it climbs all over it. Every now and then I get a shoot that wants to grab hold of something else... but I simply train the shoot back on to the trellis no problem. Maybe you can try something like that?

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Hey Lily, thanks for the thought. I already had a trellis for the clematis and an obelisk for the MGs, but they told me I couldn't use them. I had them in the back of the pot too. I still don't see what's wrong with that. Grrrr....

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

HI Judith,

Some of the seeds I just sent to you are a trailing-type MG labeled SunSmile Purple-Plum - which do not climb
They would look very nice tumbling out of one of your pots

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

I finally got a few seeds from my vines, so Sidare seeds are on the way to you! Enjoy! :-)

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

I'm gonna have the best non-climbing MG garden on the planet!! Thanks all! I'm going to give some to my neighbor whose DD planted all Johnny Jump Ups and pansies this year (DD doesn't know anything about plants), which will disappear as soon as we have our hottest weather. The non-climbing MGs will look great!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Judith - I would go ahead and grow half the seeds! I think they will do well for you even if you are afraid it is too late in the season to grow them. They grow pretty fast with direct sun and the heat! Just water them regularly and use Bloom Booster. :-) The you can save the other half for next year! You may very well get seeds from yours, too! The blooms are pollinator attractors as every single one of mine have developed seed pods. They must be a good nectar source. Maybe my hummingbird is going for them. I have a feeling ... ;-)

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