Digging and storing bulbs Early

south central, WI(Zone 5a)

I could use any imput. The daffys have pretty much done their blooming..so plan on doing digging.
Although I know that you are supposed to let them die back, we are Really hoping to get another house and I don't want to leave them all behind..the paperwork counts everything in the ground as part of potential sale. I have said that I want a addendum that says that I can move some plants (like a gazillion), but know that if I don't do something now..the chances are such that I would lose many of the spring bulbs.
SO...I have about 30 of one clump out ..pot them up, hang to dry, heal them in?? I plan on editing about a hundred or two....any suggestions?

Athens, PA

I would pot them up.

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

I just dug out a bunch of dafs that I want to move for next year. They were done blooming. I put them in a bucket in low sun but good light and let them set (under an eve so they wouldn't drown if it rained. I don't know if they will bloom next year or not but they weren't working in that location and I needed the room to plant some Dahlias... …… ……….
…… …..I drug my DH to the garden show this spring and he was sweet enough to surprise me afterword with some (24!) dahlia tubers he had bought for me. (This man is a prince and I love him more than I can express).
We live in a condo and my garden is small and bursting at the seams. I have limited space and I needed to find a place to plant these dahlias so something had to go. A difficult choice as the space issue makes me very picky – all my plants are precious. The dafs lost out. So now they sit in a bucket under my eve until I can figure out what to do with them.
I am not a big fan of dahlias, but I’m my old mans biggest fan.
He is smart – and won't get drug to another garden show. Hmmmm????? He did it again. lol

This message was edited May 19, 2011 5:17 AM

south central, WI(Zone 5a)

Too funny. Maybe potting them up and wintering them over in protected cold, would give you a lovely bundle next spring...and you could change them out for the dahlia, before the dahlias need to get planted again.
I just pulled my cannas and callas out this AM..I had forgotten about them (not the first time )
I may sell the cannas at plant sale this weekend..don't remember what color..but I am out of room and Really need to get stuff ready to roll just in case,

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