Squash, Zucchini, and Tomato Concotion

Hammond, LA

Hi all! Years ago the supermarkets used to carry squash and zucchini in crushed tomatoes in tins. I can't remember which name brand it was but I know that I was totally addicted to this stuff! I can no longer find it in any of my local supermarkets so I wonder if they've taken it off the market. In any case, in our garden we have a bumper crop of crookneck squash this year and the zucchinis are coming along nicely as are the tomatoes.

Does anyone have any canning recipes for this combination? I've canned before but by no means am I skilled at making up the recipes. I generally use other folks' recipes because I'm a bit of a chicken when it comes to making up my own (at least for canning).

Also, I read somewhere that you can make a puree out of the squash and can it to use for a soup base. If anyone knows how to do that, I'd love to have a recipe for it as well.


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