856 seeds for 4 rooted cuttings !!

Canary Islands. Tene, Spain

I would love to trade these seeds here below for 4 rooted cuttings of houttuynia cordata chameleon or 3 rooted cutting of houttuynia cordata chameleon and 30 seeds of amaranthus tricolor splendens or Amaranthus tricolor 'Perfecta'

- 100 seeds of aristolochia trilobata
- 10 seeds of clerodendron speciossisimum
- 20 seeds of delonix regia
- 20 seeds of lagenaria siceraria
- 50 seeds of Pandorea Jasminoides
- 50 seeds of Passiflora edulis
- 50 seeds of passiflora subpeltata
- 50 seeds of Podranea Ricassoliana
- 14 seeds of arbutus mensiezii
- 10 seeds of asclepias verticilatta
- 50 seeds of chilopsis linearis
- 20 seeds of costoneaster mix
- 30 seeds of cigar tree
- 50 seeds of cedrela odorata
- 6 seeds of chimonanthus praecox
- 50 seeds of datura stramonium
- 6 seeds of eleagnus angustifolia
- 300 seeds of casuarina
- 20 seeds of vigna luteola

In case anyone is interested, please contact me


Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I have plenty of Houttuynia cordata and could send small plants in a bubble envelope, but I have never sent seeds or plants to the Canary Islands. What is the likelihood they would be confiscated?

Canary Islands. Tene, Spain

Hi alana

They wont be confiscated here, in fact I have already received living plants from the Usa and Canada with no problem but that depends on what you decide..


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