Sprawling rather than climbing Clematis???

Marshfield, MA

Just a little help here... I lost the tag to a light purple clematis but I remember it was "Madame" something and that the tag said it was a sprawling plant. Can anyone venture a guess as to what it might be and what does sprawling mean in regards to Clematis? Is it just gonna lay flat on the ground? Is it gonna have a bush form of some sort? Can it be trained?

Thanks.. I put it still in it's pot behind the shed last fall without healing it in or covering it and it did not care at all so at least I know it is truly Z6 hardy.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Check this link and see if this is what you have:

Clematis Madame Baron Veillard


Marshfield, MA

I would know the name if I heard it and thats not the one but thanks for the effort Kay. Maybe I should do a bit more internet dabbling. I should be able to find out which one it is and what I should expect.
TY again Kay

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

I just googled 'Clematis + Madame ?' - then I chose 'images' - there were lots of choices.

Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

Here is Clematis On the Web link under 'M', there are about 35 that start with 'Madame'.
There is a Clematis Forum too where you can for more clarification from some of the other growers regarding it's growth habit.

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