Stewartia "Skyrocket"??

Marshfield, MA

I stuck a Stewartia Skyrocket in two seasons past and I have been unable to find much info on it. I "think" it may be a cross between Pseudocamilia and Monadepha from what I have gleaned but info seems scarce and contradictory.

It is however living up to it's tag line and is shooting up a terminal leader like no bodies business at least in comparison to the Koreana, Mondelpha, and Pseudocamilia that I have planted out.

Any suggestions on whether I should/can keep it as a Rocket for now by pruning lower branching and focusing on the main terminal which has a very cool almost wavy contortion to it? Does it with maturity develop the color I love so much in the orange bark stewartia's?

TY and where else can a guy go to ask such questions. I asked at a couple of local nurseries just to watch them stumble through making up answers as they went along. Heaven forbid they say they just don't know. It is currently undergoing a major root pruning (BIG BALL) for a move next fall. Sterwatia's move great fot me but I want to put it in it's final resting place so to speak...

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

You are right in the perfect neck of the woods for Stewartia success, in my limited exposure to MA growing conditions. You are also quite close to the "Mecca" for Stewartia (Stuartia)-ophiles.

Contact the Polly Hill Arboretum on Martha's Vineyard. I bet that is where your 'Skyrocket' selection was developed, in fact. They will be a treasure trove of information on all things Stewartia. There is a nursery not far from there that is owned by a couple of astute plantsmen that will be better able to answer these kinds of questions, too.

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

great links VV!

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

It must be awful to live/work in a place where Stewartia (Stuartia) spp. and Symplocos paniculata seedlings are pestiferous...

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

ok, where is Mr. Webster when you need him? :)

a terrible place for sure VV............

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