CLOSED: HAVE: Two Clumps of Cast Iron Plant

Omega, GA(Zone 8b)

Would like to trade two clumps of cast iron plants for......sweet autumn clematis.

Niles, MI(Zone 5a)

I can send you all of the cuttings that you want, the mother plant engulfs my screened deck during the summer and is a cloud of white in the fall. Very rapid growing.
I have been looking for a cast iron plant for several years.
If a trade is ok let me know

Omega, GA(Zone 8b)

Hi Ann,

Kind of a long story, but those two clumps of cast iron plant are gone. But the good news is, I do have plenty more. Do you have any rooted pieces of the the clematis?

Niles, MI(Zone 5a)

No I don't , but I can get some started, they take off quickly, should take about three weeks for them to root. would that be OK?

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