Help! Please......

Lakewood, WA

I just purchased a Nodding Ladies Truss Orchid. It came home in a three inch pot. I want to get it out of that ugly plastic thing, but am terrified I am going to do something wrong!

What kind of soil does it need? What kind of pot? I have regular houseplant mirical grow potting soil and african violet potting soil.

I have loads of pots, but can get a special one if needed.

I just want this one to grow, so help please!

carolyn in WA

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

If you mean Spiranthes, it's hardy and native to a wide range of this country. There are many types of Spiranthes. If you know which one you have that would help. Check out Plant Files or Google. Most like wet situations (I've actually seen them grown in pots on the edges of ponds and fens) though they establish easily along scruffy roadsides, in meadows and fields. Dave Johnson, of Jewell Orchids, has bunches in the pastures he inherited when he bought his acreage in N. GA..

I planted Spiranthes cernua on the bottom edge of a south facing hillside in N. Ga.. I give it extra water and treat it like a low maintenance garden plant. It blooms in late summer. I would think it would be a lot of bother to grow Spiranthes in a pot. If you go that route try a loose potting mix of soil, perlite and some granite sand. Hope this helps.

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