CLOSED: Houseplants / Tropicals Swap, The Wrap Up, Page 17

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

rrm, that is funny about the po. One woman at the po said well it must be spring you are back ...rofl......

Hey all,,, We just found out that we will be moving on the first of June not the 15th, also we get back from Vacation on the 30th of May,, so now I have exactly 3 days to get EVERYTHING done and there is no way I can do this,,, I also lost my notebook which has all my uptodate side swaps.

Also If Anyone is still supposed to send to me PLEASE DO NOT!! I can not take any plants with me and my DB is terrible at watering the gardens so anything you send is sure to die,,,,sigh

We need to change my name to Calamedy Jane,,,lol.

So chime in if I owe you and I will try to send out before Friday,, If not I doubt you will be getting anything from me,,SO SOrry,, but did not expect this to happen. I can and will repay postage to anyone who sent to me ,, please d-mail me with the amount I owe you and I will get it out to you this week too.


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I have WONDER EGGS!!!!! Split them up into 2 pots and 8 peat pots. I have about 15 up right now.

Thumbnail by Crit
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

What the heck are Wonder Eggs, Patti?

Have a great trip, Elfie, and I'll see you at our Round-Up! Can't wait to meet you and my favorite Fairy family :)

You live close enough to come too, Amanda. What gets me are so many plants I lost over the Winter that slowly withered away and am chalking it up to heating with a wood stove again for the first time after several years. I watered every other day or so, maybe I should have watered twice a day?!

Athens, PA

Inquiring minds want to know..... what are wonder eggs?

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

Egg Gourds? Egg Shaped Eggplant? Those plantable eggs they sell at Lowes? LOL

Ventress, LA(Zone 8b)

Wonder Eggs make you wander what they are???

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Elfie, do not worry bout me, I have more than I can handle, please take a chill pill for us all. Everything will be just great for you!
Ohh, cute lil seedlings!

Wonder Eggs are the plants seeds I got Crit for the Easter Suprize swap. I belive they are related to the eggplant family. and they grow it be yellow and white egg looking fruits.. Hard to explain. We will all just have to watch Crits plants as they grow!!,,,heehee.

So I have 3 more days to get everything done. That includes getting the house ready for me to be gone for 6 weeks!! Then I will be home for a week and then gone for 3 then home again for a week. and that is my schedual for the next 2 years!!

The RVV was delivered today and I am in love with it. I overdid things today and am in flat out pain!! Have lots to do tomarrow,, going to bed in a few,,,

Huggs to all


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

LOL .... it is a plant, similar to egg plant, that elfie got me for our Easter swap. It's called a Wonder Egg and the fruits are edible. I'll let you know and post pictures if I can keep them alive to be a real plant. ^_^

Ventress, LA(Zone 8b)

Cute little plant. Amazing.

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

I've seen pictures of those, they are pretty cool!

I know it's not related to eggs but it is related to ornamentals and holidays but have you seen Pumpkins on a Stick? I want to get some for my best friend for Halloween ^_^

Athens, PA

Pumpkins on a stick? Have any pictures, Ang?

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

Park Seeds has a photo:
They are an ornamental egg plant ^_^

Athens, PA

They are sooooo cute!

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Wow, Ang...that is really different and cute, too! I've never seen anything like that before - I'm going to have to get some of those seeds. I've seen the Wonder Eggs plant before that Elfie was talking about and they are really neat looking. Have fun growing those, Crit. I hope you post pictures as it's growing.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Thanks plantsforpeg for my box of plants. I am sorry I am so late posting. I have been in a tailspin for several weeks. I got the box last Friday or Saturday and took them out and got them in soil. I did not realize till I was reading through here that I should make a picture, but it was a great group of plants. This past weekend my daughter was visiting. She came to help me with a birthday party I was giving my sister on Sunday. It was my sister's 75th birthday and about 60 people came. You can imagine... I am not used to this kind of entertaining and well....Maybe things will settle a little now. I want to play with my plants more.
I got
Peach colored kalancheo (Did not have that color)
ornamental Cuban oregano (my daughter wanted to know if it was edible. I said I doubted it)
strawberry Begonias (I planted right away)
string of bananas (Never had this before)
Ghost plant (my mother-in-law used to have a giant pot of this and it lived outside in South Alabama)
jasmine vine (will this live outdoors-I do hope I can get it to grow.I put it in a pot for now)

Thanks so much for all the nice surprises! I look forward to doing this again.
I can see I need to check in more frequently than I do. Can anyone tell me how to bookmark this and keep up with it? Each time I have to go back to the original email and go through all this to get to the most recent end. I will be on the fringes till I can get a handle on how to keep up.

Blackshear, GA

look at the top of this thread and you will see some options at the top. One is "WATCH THIS THREAD" Click on that and everytime someone posts a comment it will pop up at the top of the home page.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

My box is going out tomorrow, I gave up and got a triangle box from the po......nothing is tall enough I can find.
Gotcha wondering don't I...rofl......
Still terrible cold in the morning here. Hate having all this nice weather thru the week. I need it on Saturday for our plant sale.

I need to start some of those pumpkins on a stick that would be cute for the planter I take care of in our Master Gardener group this fall.

Crit keep us posted on the "wonder" of it all...rofl...

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

you can then click on skip to new at the right side just above the first post and it will take you to where you left off

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I will be sure to post pics of the the Wonder Eggs. I hope they keep growing and I don't kill them all! Don't have real good luck with seeds a lot of the time. Surely at least one or two will make it to adulthood!

Oh,, I want a pumkin on a stick,,,whaaaa,
No,,Elfie,, no!! you are getting plants to new homes so that DB doesnot kill them.
This means no plants for Elfie....sigh...

Goldhilal.. you know I am going to be just North of you next Month instead of South of you like I am now?? Maybe when everything gets settled I can finally make that trip to see your greenhouse!!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Mud-Elf, that would be great! sorry you are having to go thru all this moving. This is the worst thing that can happen to a plant person I think.
Gagirl, thanks for the tip, and you, too,Crit

Well I have to tell ya'll this. Ralph and I have been together for 27 years and we have never lived alone for the entire time we have been together. I told hem the other day that we might find our selves on a extended honey moon with this move,,,,, or,,,, we may decide we do not like each othe any more!! He just looked at me like I was absolutely going out of my mine and told me I was a silly little girl,,humf,, at 54 I am definately not alittle girl!!! lol

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

shhhhhh, don't tell how old we are. ^_^

oppps,, to late!!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

It is quite possible that you will find it pleasant. He may feel the same. Space is good. You both might regain or gain a feeling you had lost . Or you might find out it is an adventure you do not want to repeat. At any rate, there is no doubt that keeping on the sunny side will help keep everything better. Being brave is hard, but sometimes we have no choice. Good thoughts going your way.

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Sorry I've been so lax and quiet! We were out of town over a weekend and our friend/house/dog-sitter accidentally broke our shower and we're working on retiling that as well as redoing our master we have no functional shower right now. Yuck! And then it's off to Houston this weekend...*sigh*

I know I owe Char a picture of the plants in the planter (they're looking soooo much better now) and I still have to send out side-trades. I did update my list with everything that I lost...but will be sending everything else out Monday/Tuesday.

Elfie you take care of yourself and enjoy the time with your DH!!! I don't think anyone can outgrow 'little girl' status. :)

Ang I love that pumpkin on a stick too! It is too cute!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Yo gotta go to a hotel to take a shower!!! Lord, I do know that feeling . ☺☺
It's o.k. Elfie.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I was cleaning up the table where I had all my swap goodies and seed packets spread out. I found a bag of seeds left of people that weren't in the seed swap and I was going to mail out. So, if I owe you seed, you probably will be getting them soon. Careyanna, I know I saw your name.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

If I owe anyone any side trades, better tell me now, cuz this wekend is the weekend I am doing up the last of trades for this spring, and then in the fall I will start up again.

Caddo Mills, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi all,
I haven't forgotten that I need to take pictures, but I am having camera issues right now. Neither one of my cameras are working and the one that I ordered to replace them isn't coming anytime soon due to the disaster in Japan. Hopefully I will be able to get one this weekend. I have potted up everything, thanks again Roxxanne, so the Konjac bulb will not be seen, but as soon as it rears its lovely head up I will take a picture then too.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)


I had a couple of your brugs not make it. I'll have to look again and see what they were. I know one was Cupid's Blush. If you don't have any left, that's fine. Maybe next year. Will let you know tonight.


Went to Alexander City this morning to look at the spot for where the RV will be parked when we move there.

Guess it will be ok,,,,,,,,

Thumbnail by

Ok,,,, ok,,, It is better than ok!! I am doing the happy dance here!! Found out that they have AT&T so I can have my DSL there!!! Also can have my puppy Mooch and the lot is huge and I can plant all the plants I want and they will even loan me any tools I need to do the gardening!!!!

Very happy little Elf here.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Wow! Terrific news!!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I knew it would work out!!! Good for you, Elfie!!!

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Wow, Elfie - that IS great news! See, it's all gonna work out for you, I'm so glad and so happy for you!

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

That is good news Elfie!!

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