New to cones....need advice please

Victoria, TX(Zone 9a)

Ok, I will make this as short as possible. I am seriously trying to grow what plants I can from seed due to the economy and available cash I have to spend on all the plants I am addicted too. :)
So, anyway, I sowed your basic purple cone flower directly in the ground in early February. Easy to do in my area since the likelihood of having another frost was minimal. Turns out I was right.
Now....;at the same time I sowed some morning glories and sunflower. The morning glories are already climbing all over and blooming. The sunflower are all blooming as well.
The poor little cone flower seedlings are barely an inch high. They are planted on the west side of my house and get full sun from about 1pm til 7pm. They are not neglected. I have used liquid miracle grow on them once in the last month. Should I have planted them in a location with better sun time..... say on the south side?? If so that may pose a problem as I have quite a bit of shade back there. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

Lake Stevens, WA

I'm no expert but I have been growing my seeds and the new Magic Box from T&M seeds. They have been planted in the greenhouse since Feb. They are very small still. I think they are just slow to grow. Some one else will post soon that knows more.

Victoria, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks for the reply springcolor! Much appreciated :)

Talihina, OK

Okay here be what little I know I grow every one on mine in raised bed type planters i don't think they will tolerate wet feet in the cool months ..It is for me anyway a very dificult plant to grow from seed so I was very happy to find some seedlings for sale at a local greenhouse for $.98 so I just had to have 3 of them .. I feed mine with some alfalfa tea and weed them often tho they seem capable of growing close with other plants

Thumbnail by grits74571
Victoria, TX(Zone 9a)

Ty Grits ! I'll look into that tea thing.

Portland, TX(Zone 9b)

I planted a few seeds of the purple variety about the same time you planted yours and mine aren't growing very fast either. I have one plant in full sun - at least 8 hrs per day, the other gets a little shade in the morning and it is growing faster than the one in baking sun. Looks like it will be a long while before I get any blooms from these plants. This is my first time attempting to grow this plant. I have looked at nurseries in the area and never have found an actual plant growing...just seeds for sale.

Nice BF pic, grits!


Victoria, TX(Zone 9a)

OK there u are u read your D-Mail????
Anyway.........Mine are still only an inch high.......yet they have put out a "new" set of leaves. Dayum, everthing else around here has bloomed its ass off. Cactus, sunflower, gladiola, morning glory, passion vine, zinna, liatris, ALL from Feb. seed..............
WHAT the heck is going on? WHERE are the peeps that do this from seed? I see all these fantastic photos of blooms yet no one wants to chime in to help.
Guess I will have to bump and make a new topic and . copy paste..So Here goes!!!!!!!!!!!

Talihina, OK

Now Lilly that was first class WHINING it is a hard plant to grow from seed ,I winter seeded some last fall and a lot came up then died off original plants were grown from seed and spent the first year in a row in my veggy garden then were moved to raised bed planters ..Then it was the old saying about FIRST YEAR it SLEEPS THE NEXT YEAR IT CREEPS THEN IT LEEPS so just keep trying if I can find some more seeds will let you know and we will arrange a gift for you..

Abilene, TX(Zone 7b)

I have some new plants that came up from seed off my est. plants. They are still small. even the plants that are a few years old will take awhile to get big. But by summers end they will be good sized.

Victoria, TX(Zone 9a)

Grits, I am not a whiner..just darn curious.
Cones are new to me and I was about ready to yank them up. THAT IS WHY I ASKED in this forum.
I have decided just pull them up since they have been there since Feb. AND still barely an inch tall.. (that's pushing it)
ALL MY OTHER flowers sown from seed are a foot tall or MORE and producing their OWN seed already, Sunflower, Zinna, Morning glory, cosmos, native wildflowers,Guarna,
THE Tea thing did not work.. but fantastic advice. It worked on some tree saplings wonderfully!!!

So you can see my concern. Maybe it was a bad batch of seeds. Don't know...........But they are gone now, and I need no GIFT plants. I can buy them down the street. I just wanted to do the seed thing for economical purposes.

Thanks All!! Enjoy your gorgeous blooms and thanks to EACH of you for the replies.

ADMIN.. This thread is CLOSED TY so much..............

This message was edited May 30, 2011 6:13 PM

I have grown Coneflowers from seed and found that they are slower in growth than normal plus will not bloom until established the second, sometimes the 3rd from sowing.

Planting them where they get full sun from 1pm to 7 pm in Texas is pretty hash on plants. They do best with morning to early afternoon sun unless you live in the colder climates.

Below is E. paradoxa

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