WANTED: Nigella "Love in a Mist" seeds - any color

(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

I LOVE this plant and can't seem to get any to take hold here for me.

If you have some, I'd gladly send you SASE or you can see if I have anything on my limited trade list you might want.

I don't normally come here asking for seeds unless I have plenty to trade, but time is running short on my seed-starting season here in South Texas.

Thanks in advance!
~ Carole

(image from pixie62560 /plantfiles)

Thumbnail by Cajun2
Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

I am overwhelmed with Nigella seed and certainly can sent you some.
They really were something last year and blossomed abundantly.

Please take a look at my have list for anything else I can send to


(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

oh i would SO love that, Cris!!
answered your dmail ;-)

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