What is this?

Providence, RI

I bought this plant a while back and have no idea what it is... A Euphorbia maybe?

Thumbnail by fatcaudex
Yardley, PA

It looks like some type of a stapliad

Port Elizabeth, South Africa(Zone 10a)

Maybe a Hoodia sp. You will have to wait for the flower to know for sure which.

SF Bay Area, CA(Zone 9b)

It looks like xHoodiopsis triebneri: https://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/172793/

Port Elizabeth, South Africa(Zone 10a)

Hoodia with a twist! LOL. Faeden, it may be.

Providence, RI

oh interesting... maybe once it flowers, we'll know for sure! Thanks....

Providence, RI

I think I found it! I think it's a Euphorphia jansenvillensis


When I got the plant, it looked just like the one in the pic where part of the stem is meant to be planted below the soil-line. I think this is it... and the person who sold it to me said it was a Euphorbia so maybe???

SF Bay Area, CA(Zone 9b)

I do not believe this is a Euphorbia at all, but a Stapeliad, as noted above by Sally. Nick it somewhere it won't show - do you get milky white sap? If not, it's not a Euphorbia.

Providence, RI

I nicked it and it does ooze milky white sap... so it is a Euphorbia. See the pic as proof!

Thumbnail by fatcaudex
SF Bay Area, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks! I certainly wouldn't have ID'd it as a Euphorbia. Shows how much I know! LOL

Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

I picked up a piece of this plant or its twin at my local cactus & succulent club's June study group. It's cute and it forms large clumps.

Mission Viejo, CA(Zone 9b)

I don't think its a Euphorbia either.. Not that I know that much. I guess. you will no for sure when it blooms. My Euphorbias all bloom easily.

Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

My close-looking cousin to this plant came to me as Euphorbia nesemanii from very knowledgeable folks at the San Gabriel Valley CSS study group, "Vegetative Propagation", in May 2011. It was said to have been a onetime ISI offering... mine is spineless like the original poster's, unlike some of the pictures I've found so far. I wasn't bowled over by the plant that night, but the more I read about it, the more I'm interested.

Mission Viejo, CA(Zone 9b)

I saw some interesting plants while I was out......

Thumbnail by Ravens444
Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

Those are cool -- definitely not the same plant as the original poster's. Nice variations on a theme.

Yardley, PA

It is amazing how big and diverse the Euphorbia clan is.

Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

Truer words were never said!

Mission Viejo, CA(Zone 9b)

I just thought they all were very similar..

Decatur, GA

If you want to see how varied Euphorbia can be check out this site.


Sun Lakes, AZ(Zone 9b)

The link is a wonderful site for Euphorbia information Helen. Thanks for posting it.

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