2011 Dahlias - WHOSE IN?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Got the bargain of the year today... $10 flats for $1.. weather damaged... frost nipped but not too terribly "kilt" .... well that is yet unless I can reserect them!

All different colors looks like... not sure the tag.. will have to look.. never even gave that a thought when we loaded them up.


Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

You found a good deal Blossom. Those are seed grown Dahlias in mixed colors, semi-double blooms, with listed height of 12-14 inches. So far so good down here with last years second attempt with Dahlia tubers. As of now 8 of the 9 tubers have reappeared and are growing. Have 4 new ones I need to get planted. Been sitting here for two weeks and I've been lazy.

Bought this one about 6 weeks ago locally and repotted it. This is Dahlia "Hypnotica" this afternoon.


Thumbnail by amorecuore
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL! You lazy? Nah..

Yuppers! Normally I dont do dahlias as I dont do a lot of flowers that I have to lift from garden beds, but the basket erge is kicking in again so I will have lots of containers going.. I think the last time I did them was over a decade ago so I put most of them in baskets... figured I could try to bring them in in the fall.

I put 4 in each basket with 3 Profusion zinnias all mixed colors... so I am going to have the perverbial rainbow out there. Might have to divide them mid summer if they get too big... so I guess I ought to give them a "haircut" The zins especially are kind of ratty looking but well, jeez! Could not not take them... 18 flats...and I need to get going on them, got most done but stil have a lot of zinz and all the marys to do.

Turned out the dahlias are Harliquin mix so that ought to be yummy later.

So do you do anything special to them?

I will have more pix later as they start blooming..I see some white, yellow, pink and a white and pink and red one so far. Id love to add some allysumns in them...and give them that puffy quilty look! But Im not that far along.. Might just toss in some seed for them.

So how ya been? We are watching the river... had a bunch of rain so my proverbial tide is in, but we are out in the sticks and not on the river so its just ponding and fillign the bog. We really needed the rain and even though its high, KI am gussing the water table is still low and it as not hit saturation just yet.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

... heres the mess before I started.. there are quite a few!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

It's just pouring here the last 15-30 minutes, thunder and lightning this late Friday afternoon. It's very welcomed rain though and should help the severe drought conditions.

Those Dahlias with Profusion zinnias should be a good combination. Profusion zinnias are extreme;y popular down here in the summer due to their high mildew resistance. Was at a nursery today and there are loads of the available in every color.

Dahlias are very very tricky to grow in South Florida. They generally prefer cooler nights which do not exist here in the summer. Normally they like full sun (8+hours) but I plant mine in half sun and heavily mulch them to protect them a bit further. I would assume full sun would be alright in your area Blossom. The other difference would be that they can be left in the ground here, but would have to be lifted in the fall in your area. Since the ones you purchased were so inexpensive I'd probably just treat them as annuals to avoid all that extra work.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, it will just depend how they do.. Be nice to have them in the house later if they can be keep going.

Pardon the mess... things are just getting gonig here.. the grass needs a cut.. beds need whippign inot shape and so much to do!

I have not even activated the GPS.... theres a mess in there too...

Got some cauliflowers, brocs, glads, geraniums, maters, cabbages, peanuts, black oil sunflowers, giant sunnies... I will be startign more whose in threads on them soon.

I heard for Patty.. she had a major disaster and is in the clean up phase... poor girl.. I dont know how many times I have gone through her trials with her greenhouse.. I think she had a tree plop on it or something so I know shes really in a tizzy.

Well, back to getting my hands dirty...

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

this is cool!


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