organic plant food for established perennials: question

Boston, MA

hello all - i have used Agway's "Organic Plant Food" for containers (annuals and dahlias) with spectacular results- Question: How can can i use it optimally for perennials ( hostas, day lilies, rudbeckias, )?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Why not use it in the same way as you've done for other plants?

What does the label say?

I don't feed my hostas, daylilies or other perennials (except for clematis).

Thomaston, CT

I've never tried it.....I would use it on the per. just like the annuals, also.....I do feed my per., but I use Miracle-Gro Shake & Feed, or Osmocote.

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