Brugmansia x candida seeds seized by AQIS

West of Brisbane, Australia

My free seeds from the BGI seedbank have been detained by AQIS. Initially because the full botanical name wasn't listed on the packets (my fault as I forgot to remind the sender to do this), which was easily rectified. But this was the response from AQIS:

There are 9 units (packets & vials )of seeds and they all look different and cannot be identifies as one species of Brugmansia candida.

Please provide the Botanic name for each individual seed type (9 types all together) to assess whether they are permitted into Australia.

Brugmania candida is permitted as seeds for sowing.

I've asked the sender to explain why x candida seeds look different (just as their flowers do) as I thought she might be better able to do this than I can, but meanwhile I wonder if anyone knows of a webpage that AQIS could be directed to look at?

West of Brisbane, Australia

Here's the original letter from AQIS. (The quoted response in the first message was emailed by AQIS.)

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
Nowra, NSW,, Australia(Zone 9b)

You could explain that B. x candida is a hybrid and therefore its seeds can range in appearance between those of either parent.

West of Brisbane, Australia

I've been in touch with Patricia from BGI and asked her to explain the technicalities of it as I was afraid that I might garble the explanation. (Although Alistair, you have just hit the nail on the head!) So that's the situation thus far. Given the time differences, I don't expect to hear from Patricia before tomorrow.

Clifton Springs, Australia

cestrum, what a pain.......I hadn't read this thread when Colleen, mentioned it on the T/room....I explained that I had not had a prob after requesting seller to id the cultivar....
At least you are getting a chance to get yours thru, when they confiscated mine, they simply said, send $50 and we will return them to sender or ignore the letter and they will be request for id......just money or else.
Mine were a mix of seeds, not all Brugs.....
No probs since.
Surely they will allow yours in once they receive Patricia's explanation.....

West of Brisbane, Australia

Dianne, I've had seeds detained before but, since I discovered the AQIS ICON database (at ) I've always been able to call the AQIS office and successfully have the seeds released. (I check the database before ordering; then I recheck after receiving notification of detention from AQIS, just to be sure that the rules haven't changed in the interim.)

In all fairness, the AQIS officials deal with the whole gamut of illegal imports, of which seeds are just a tiny part, so it's not surprising that they've concluded that all seeds of the same species should look alike. If you think of the errors printed about brugmansias in mainstream gardening books, it's a bit much to expect customs officials to be so well informed about brug seeds!

Golly sorry to hear of this ...someone at the other end must not realize that everything must be listed and marked with individual ID's ...the Botanical ones.

When some seeds of mine were confiscated they were rejected because the supplier used common names instead of Botanical ones.

Whew I felt too stupid to admit I could not find anywhere to pay for what I wanted so ...I slung away ... I have been spared the anxiety ...sorry you are having problems, I hope they are resolved.

I think I will probably buy some crosses next Spring as that is a good time, and I would probably only buy from someone who is used to selling seeds to Australia IE full Botanical cross id.

What a shame. I hope purchases from BGI will go smoothly after this adventure.
I will be interested to follow what happens.
Good luck everyone!

This message was edited Apr 28, 2011 2:45 PM

Clifton Springs, Australia

cestrum,I felt sorry for the sender of my seeds, she put in the extra as a kindness, only to lose the lot.....
When I explained that they would only be allowed in, if the seeds were what had been declared, she sent the ones that I had ordered again......

The letter that was sent to you is an improvement on the demand that they sent to me, it sounds as though you had the same one,Chrissy..
I appreciate the work that Aqis does, but the option to identify the seeds would have been appreciated....

I bought seeds now so I will have them to plant in Spring....there doesn't seem to be much around in our Spring, because it's northern hemi Autumn.
I did the same last year and had an interesting and diverse lot of seeds.......

My bud is almost out....
That is OT, I forgot where I

This message was edited Apr 28, 2011 4:08 PM

Thumbnail by Seachanger
West of Brisbane, Australia

Actually, the letter uploaded is not the one I've always received in the past (although I don't think I've kept copies of any of those, or none that I can readily lay my hands on). I know I've received letters telling me that the seeds were banned and I had the option of paying to have them returned to the sender or of having AQIS destroy them. I took the initiative in phoning AQIS (as I knew the seeds were allowed according to ICON) and discussing why they had reached that decision.

So you always have the right to contact AQIS and plead your case if you think AQIS has made the wrong decision. And if it turns out they were right, you at least know exactly what went wrong and how to avoid repeating the mistake when importing seeds in future.

This message was edited Apr 28, 2011 3:19 PM

West of Brisbane, Australia

When imported seeds are checked by AQIS, the envelope is resealed with the distinctive tape and a pamphlet or two is enclosed. (One is shown here, and there's another that says the envelope has been opened but nothing has been removed--I can't readily lay my hands on that one.)

This message was edited Apr 29, 2011 4:26 PM

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

My brug seeds from Edna of BGI arrived today. But, like Wayne's, they weren't opened by AQIS.
The original shipment referred to above is still in detention until I can convince AQIS [within the next fortnight] that B. x candida seeds do indeed come in different shapes and sizes.

This message was edited May 4, 2011 12:45 PM

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

cestrum,..,welcome to""braindead government world"",.,.i have just been through this type of action and lost some of the best lilium trumpet crosses in the world,..,also one of the 1st breeds of asiatic liliums from latvia,.,.i had a 'stat dec' from one seller and backed up both 'seizures' with references and 'back research from some of the best hybridisers in the world,..,[still no good],.,.the cream on the cake was when they released the 2 orders of 'american species' liliums,but accidently put my 'pink trumpet ' packet in with them,.,.,''i said to them''-who looks silly now?''thank you''!,.does it sound like i have very little admiration for them?-you betcha

This message was edited May 4, 2011 5:24 PM

Nowra, NSW,, Australia(Zone 9b)

That is the sort of idiotic statement, on a public forum, that will make it more and more difficult to import plants. Wake up and grow up.

West of Brisbane, Australia

Oops, posted to the wrong forum!
Sorry, I can't delete the photo.

This message was edited May 5, 2011 8:06 AM

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

Patricia from BGI has advised me that AQIS has released my B. x candida seeds. So that's great news!

Oh good on Patricia ...that's great news cestrum :)

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

sorry you feel that way alistair,but with my military style upbringing,i have no room for incompetence,..,and thats all i seem to get when i deal with[you know who],..,

West of Brisbane, Australia

My shipment from the BGI seedbank has arrived at last, after being seized on 19 April.
It includes both seeds *and* pollen of Brugmansia x. candida hybrids. So I'll have to start pollinating tonight :-)

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ

Good on you cestrum's cold and windy here about to rain any tick of the clock ...I hope your weather is kinder :)

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