Small tree damage

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

I have a small redbud tree, approx 5' tall, that has "break" damage to it's trunk. No-one will admit to running into it, but I suspect that's what happened. The damage was some time ago, and it has been supported with tape and sticks, but now it seems to need more help. The semi-break is about a foot from the ground, and looks as if a branch was once there, IIRC. I'll untape it to take a picture if I must, but I'd rather not do the until I have a plan in place to help it. the break is like a greenstick fracture, maybe 1/3-1/2 the trunk affected. I'll be looking for solution thru Google, but thought maybe I could find better help here.

Thanks for any advice you can offer, I'm very attached to this little fella...

(Zone 7a)

I think it really would help to get a pic. Is the break all the way through the trunk?

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

Redbuds are everywhere around here.
Which means redbud seedlings are even more ubiquitous.
Even with diligent pulling of seedlings, before you know it you have a forest of redbuds.
I have to thin them out, usually by cutting to the ground.
They often regrow from below the cut.
So even if the top of your tree dies from the injury,
I suspect it's likely to resprout from below the split.
Of course it may affect the tree's symmetry, but will give it some personality.

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Kwanjim, Okay, I'll try for a pic, but splint it after I do so. It's not broken all the way through.

Weerobin, this is a Forest Pansy Redbud

I have lots of "regular" Redbuds around, and I like them, but this one is special (and was quite expensive). I will hope that you're right about it, never seen a seedling from this one, of course *G*.


Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

Oh... that does complicate the situation. I love my Forest Pansy redbuds also. I've never seen a red seedling, so I have no idea if they come true from seed. I'm not sure if they're grafted or not, but if they are, regrowth from below wouldn't be Forest Pansy of course. If you can get a pic, maybe someone can offer better suggestions than mine. Good luck with it.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Some Forest Pansy's are definitely grafted, although I'm not sure if all growers do it that way or if some might do it from cuttings. Seeds wouldn't come true either--it's possible you might get lucky and get one that looks similar but you could also end up with plain green ones.

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Hm. The break is at the right spot for a graft. I was going to take a picture this morning, but it's so windy I'm afriad it would just complete the break. I'm just butter-fingered enough to let go inadvertantly. Have to wait until I can do it more safely.

I will save seeds this year if it gets that far.....

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Sadly, the tree is no more. I did try to keep it standing, but it wasn't to be. I did try to get a picture to help, and I'm glad I did. It's the only one I have, and I was very fond of that little tree.
I don't think it could have been saved. The entire trunk was broken, except for a piece about 1/4" wide, out of a total circumference of about 3.5". It really was hanging on by a thread :(.
I did put some cuttings in water and dirt, but I don't hold out much hope.
Thank you all for trying.

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

Sadly, a commonly uttered phrase around these parts.

(Zone 7a)

Sorry to hear that. Pretty little trees.

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Update :)
My little Forest Pansy resprouted, as a bush. There is new growth this year, and it's new leaves are red. Last year there was one green limb, we'll see how it goes.
The funny thibng is that when I got that tree, it was ordered from a nursery, for $75. Cam to me at about 3 feet tall. Two weeks ago I saw "Forset PansyRedbud" trees for sale at Food Lion (grocery). The trees are 7-8 feet. $13.99. Wondered if it would really have the red leaves.

They do.

I now have 5 Forest Pansy Redbuds :)

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Knock 'em out, catmad. Good things come to those who wait.

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)


I wait well...

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