Seeds to trade SASE

Carlsbad, NM(Zone 7b)

I have the folowing seeds to give away, all I ask is for a self addressed stamped envelope. If you have something you want to send me that is okay too!

San Juan Melon A smooth skinned honeydew type with deep lime green flesh, very prolific and can do with less water than most. I let mine vine on a fence. Cucumis melo

Eagle Pass Okra Green pods, 4 to 5 foot tall, bears till frost. Not as slimy or string as most when cooked. Abelmoschus esculentus

Sugar Baby Watermelon Early icebox type dark green (almost black) when ripe with juicy red flesh 3 to 6 pounds. Immature melons are green striped, vines are somewhat compact. Citrullas lanatus

I have a limited number of each of these, please contact me for my address and so I won't try to give away more than I have! LOL

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi Gary:

I am interested in growing some sugar baby watermelons this year. I hear they are okay for trellises/vertical gardening.



Carlsbad, NM(Zone 7b)

That is how I grow mine. In fact anything that vines goes vertical. I grew pumpkins a few years ago, they got big, and the vines/stems seemed to know they had to grow stronger and bigger,too. Some were really hard to harvest! LOL G.

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