Bulb Lover's, could you do a small box of surprises?????????

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hello my fellow friends,

I am trying to fill in an area in a shady spot with a small amount of sunlight sometimes.

Would any of you be in a position to be able to pack a little box of surprises for me in the bulb area?

I am willing to pay the postage Costs, if you could find it in your heart to be able to do one.

Forever Grateful,

A gardening friend,

Degarotty (Debi)

P.S. See a post in: Australian Gardening regarding Plants for a shady position against a fence with picture's. (I think-LOL).

Clifton Springs, Australia

Deb, not many bulbs flower well in the shade, you would be better with Hellebores, Cyclamens and Clivias. They would grow really well...the Helebores would keep their leaves in your climate.

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Great, thank you heaps. Will look into it.


Sydney, Australia

Hi Degarotty. I know this post is a bit old but you probably haven't quit gardening. I can easily get a few bulbs together for you; namely Zephyrantes, Knipofias, Day Lilies, Jonquils & whatever else I can find. What Seachanger said about shade is right though. I happen to be filling a large shady spot at the moment using some of the plants he or she suggested. So far I have used Hellebores, Anenomes, Tiarella, Ajuga, Cyclamens, Begonias, Aspleniums, a Japanese Camelia, a creeping Fuschia, some New Guinea Impatiens, Dwarf Arums & a couple of Rhododendrons. I hope that gives you some shade ideas. You can also grow Bromeliads in the shade, hydrangeas, hostas, acanthus, heaps of different ferns, orchids, painted nettles, pilea, cycads plus (depending on where Clifton Springs is), Daphnes. Send me a Dmail if you still want bulbs & I'll see what cuttings, off-sets & so on I can get from my shade plants too.

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