Hail in Charleston

Charleston, SC(Zone 8b)

Well, my yard did look good before a massive storm rolled thru at 5:20 Thursday. It hailed for 20 minutes. Don't even want to look at my vegetables- what I could see close to the house was beaten to death. This is my front yard.

Thumbnail by cornish2175
Charleston, SC(Zone 8b)

All the steam from warm ground and cold hail.

Thumbnail by cornish2175
Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Oh bummer! .. it just skirted by me .. got some rain and just a few bits of hail. Take heart, plants are very resilient.


Sumter, SC(Zone 8a)

sorry Cornish! Mother Nature can surely be a tough old bird at times...

Charleston, SC(Zone 8b)

Seems like W. Ashley got the worst of the hail from what I could see on the news. Yes Ann, plants are pretty resilient- most of the established plants came through with only minor damage but my vegetables - being out in the open without tree protection - they are mostly destroyed. The leafy vegetables look like swiss cheese, the tomatoes look like I took a weedeater to them and the annuals, especially the zinnnias are toast.
Funny, I think its the annuals that bother me the most- put so much effort into them growing from seed. Had just finished cleaning all the beds of sticks & leaves- now will have to start again.
Maybe my husband is right- CONDO!!!

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

It's early in the season, everything will come back so don't go pulling stuff up!

Charleston, SC(Zone 8b)

Spent from daybreak cleaning up this mess. Cut tomatoes back, was surprised the beans don't look so bad. Bok choi still looks like swiss cheese, marigolds came through better than expected and I probably lost half my zinnias- just snapped off at the base. Never expected this in Charleston, even in the winter. Could have been worse- we could have had a tornado or an earthquake. Have to count my blessings. Susan

Lexington, SC(Zone 8a)

Sorry you got hit with this, we had a similar storm dump nickle and larger size hail on us last fall for about 10-15 minutes and it tore my yard literally to shreds. Right before I moved everything in for the winter too, ugh. Mother nature can be mean sometimes, but like you said, could have been worse.

Still, it definitely sucks having to go through one of these storms!

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