poplar tree question

Madison, WI

Does anyone know where I can purchase a cloned male cottonwood tree..the cottonwood variety we've seen on U.S. streets for years, that has a nice broad spread similar to the old American elms's spread, and a good shade-provider for a house ? In Wisconsin would be nice, so I could see it's structure...

Danville, IN

There are many, popular (no pun intended) poplars on the market. Google any of the cultivars by name to find sources. Perhaps a good garden center or nursery would special order one for you.

Cultivars include: 'Colmar', 'Mighty Moe', 'NE-355', 'Noreaster', 'Red Caudina', 'Siouxland', 'Skywalker', and 'Sparks'.

Madison, WI

Hi Hoosier G....Do youhave any mature trees of these names (except Siouxland, which I've seen) in photos ? Thanks for the botanical names, for my search.

Danville, IN

I don't have any photos as they are not often used in this area, but try Googling them and you should get some.

Good luck.

Madison, WI

Thanks, HoosierGreen...I'm still searching.

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