confined spaces, anyone?

Atlanta, GA

Is anyone else trying to garden in a small space? My garden is a right-angle triangle, 10 feet long but only 2.5 feet at the widest point. Groundcovers are pretty easy, but finding taller plants that don't swallow what space I have is a challenge. Not to mention, its in full sun most of the day (not the morning) and here in Atlanta, the humidity is high. I'm considering iris, liatris, adenophora and leucojum for perennials. Right now, I have a climbing rose in the middle that I love; for groundcovers, ornamental oregano and artemisia; and for bulbs, rain lily and peacock orchid. I am KINDA trying to keep a few themes going--xeriscape friendly, fragrant, and white/pink/purple color scheme--so I'm making it more of a challenge than it needs to be, I know. Any suggestions for plants I can add? White plants or evergreen would be my first preference, but I'll take any suggestions anyone can offer!!! :)

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

Talk about a chalange!! Good luck, although the rose in the center would be beautiful, if it is trelested to highlite. Mike

Atlanta, GA

All right, let's go about this differently. I have a long narrow garden (10 feet long, 2.5 feet at its widest) in a right angle triangle shape. It gets full sun from late morning on. Currently, I have a climbing rose, artemisia, ornamental oregano, lavender, and dwarf monarda. The weather in Atlanta is always humid, very hot during the summer, and low on rain in the summer. What else will grow happily here, without taking over my limited space?

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I wrote a post several days ago but was surprised to not see it here the following day. I recommended cone flowers in pink, purple and white as they have a longer bloom season than many other perennials and require little water. For annuals I think cosmos are a good choice. They are drought hardy, are easy to save seed or reseed on their own without being invasive and add a ferny, cool look to a hot space. They get shaggy when large but can be planted over a long season. Unruly ones can be torn out while smaller, neater ones left in place. Tall zinnias are a must. They attract butterflies as well as hummingbirds and finches. Seed is easily saved and restarted each year. I also love the white form of zinnia augustafolia as a low growing plant. It stays tidy all season and is another reseeder. There is a hybrid pink version.

The problem with small spaces and perennials is they become easily overgrown. I suggest adding perennials slowly and filling in each year with annuals that grow easily from seed that can be saved. This avoids large expense on disposable nursery landscape. One more suggestion is to put a garden tuteur in your space and grow clematis as a perennial and/or morning glories on the same space

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