Building a Home

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

I get faint= kinda off balance when i get near the edge of the second floor. I tried to stand one of the gambrel roof ribs up but I couldn't do it-= mentally. Some how I have to get over it= get past it so I can help my husband put the roof together.
Our brother/law stood up there with charles and even he wouldnt touch the edge.

Thumbnail by CricketsGarden
Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

It's shaped like a barn! One of my favorite buildings.

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Cool pic!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Are the storms affecting your progress?

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)


No. The storms are not effecting our progress. Finding someone to help with the end of the roof is slowing us down.
The weekend may be promising. Most folks work during the week and can't help.. Will most likely have to pay for the help.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Hope you get it done quickly and it doesn't cost a lot. Glad the weather is not hindering you. A tree fell on our garage but no damage to the building. Took out some of my raspberries. :(

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

oh no- so sorry. Glad it didnt damage your garage or fall on your house. Still makes a huge mess to clean.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

We are hoping somebody will come cut it up for firewood for winter. If I had a chain saw I'd do it myself. I don't have a wood burning stove or a fireplace but I'd like to have it for a firepit in fall and winter.

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Cricket, it is always such a delight to check in here and see your progress :) I am so impressed! It is what my husband and I had planned at one time prior to his unexpected and early death, so it is very comforting to see others doing it.

Thanks so much for keeping us updated and sharing the photos and thoughts along the way; it is a pleasure to read.

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

gee= had to put my puter in the shop. been gone longer than i realized.

sitting here wondering what todays date

ok........made a few mistakes on the gambrel construction.
Its kinda funny and kinda not.====mostly stupidity.

we had drawn out the gambrel truss pattern on the floor and made the first truss.
Then hubby thinks===i can just put these things together without the pattern. the wood is cut to fit......
Then he puts the three gambrel trusses up that he built without the pattern design on the floor.
I said=====um====you're suppose to use the pattern so they all come out the same.
He said, they are the same. So we got a level and checked them out and they were NOT the same.
I said=======SEEEEEEEEEEE, I told you so.
So he made the pattern on the floor a JIG.= meaning he nail some boards to the outside of the pattern
to make sure none of the ribs got out of sorts while assembling them. Put many gambrel trusses up while telling ourselves that we should really redo those other three so they are all alike. Dreadfull thought.
Anyway= hubby been busy working so I been putting the gambrel trusses together. I built 9 of them all by my self. It wasn't hard, just very hot outside and very time consuming. We needed some more
spacers (used to make sure the space between each truss is the same and suppose to put each truss on 2ft center and used in the structure of tieing the trusses together.)
So- i figured what I had to cut my spacers at and thought i would double check myself by comparing to his spacers and OOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGG. HIs were the wrong lengths. I called him and asked if he knew how to add. He didn't believe that his measurement was wrong=====but yep===his was wrong. Big huge sad Sigh===we had to take allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll (11) the trusses down and replace them but at the same time we rebuilt those other three that he did wrong to begin with. I think we are on the right path now.
Now===while this is all happening he ended up with a pimple on his face that got infected=====staph infection===but not the kind that is contagious. He has had 4 antibiotic shots in the past 3 days and two antibiotic prescriptions plus he is already on a blood thinner and a blood declotigent. I don't know how to spell it==it keeps his blood from clotting up. So he has to see the doc every day to get his blood checked to make sure the antibiotics do not interfere with his blood meds and he is not allow to be in the sun for a prolonged amount of time due to the antibiotic he is taking...............
I love my husband and he is not a dumb man and not a lazy man but sometimes he doesn't think thoroughly and not just recently but all the time....for years. I have always had to double check what ever it is he is doing and or make better suggestions. I think his brain gets in a hurry to do something and I have to tell him to slow down and think.
I am not without fault====My brain gets in a hurry sometimes too.

We decided not to make the office roof a lean two roof but making it a gambrel roof also that ties into the main gambrel roof structure. That should be loads of fun.
AT this point, we have to finish building the rest of the trusses before we put them up because the pattern is on the floor and in the way of putting the trusses up comfortably. We have 6 trusses built and ready, 5 more to build. Then 5 to build for the office and tieing that into the main roof.

current pic

Thumbnail by CricketsGarden
Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

oh=forgot to mention== it is soooooo hot in the shed that I have moved into the house= kinda sorta. My bed is in my bedroom with a chester drawers and a tv with satelite. That is also where my phone and puter are at. I put a tarp on the inside of the bedroom walls to block the front yard view and oncoming traffic. My bedroom is still open to the back yard view. It's redneck==but== what can i say. We also put my sons bed in the livingroom area and he has a tv and game system set up in there. No rain in the forecast at the moment. We better hurry up and get the roof sheeting and felt on ====HURRY equals mistakes.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Despite unpleasant setbacks, the building is looking great, Cricket.

Watch that infection closely and follow doctor's orders!

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

Yep= hubby just got back from todays doc visit. Got two more anti shots. (6 total)

Thank you darius

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

The construction is looking excellent !!

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Wonderful progress! You'll be ready to batten down the hatches by the time winter arrives.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Lots of progress and food for the memory mill. :)

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

thanks everyone. It is hard finding time to post. I'm either working , doing chores, cooking, laundry or very tired.

the main gambrel roof structure is 90 percent complete. I have to figure out my overhang and construct those then it's ready for the OSB sheeting.

Thumbnail by CricketsGarden
Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

front view.

remember= there will be a screened in porch to the right end of the house= One of these days= which will reach the end of the existing deck = eventually.

Thumbnail by CricketsGarden
Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I am more impressed with each post and pic!

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

thanks Cajun

We decided to construct the over hang later and get the OSB board on the roof with some Felt. We had an evening rain shower yesterday and it flooded the floors. Since our bedroom furniture is in the house= we had to do some plastic covering. Took me a couple hours to sweep the water off the floors.

One of these days I will slow down enough to visit other forums.

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

LOL, I love to read your postings Cricket :) They are inspiring and funny. Your home is coming along beautifully! I am so proud of ya'll :D

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

Thank you Hineni=

I had to take my puter back to the shop= maybe i can keep it a while this time.

It rained again= got flooded again= swept the floors for 2 hours again.=======ug.
Gotta love those evening showers.

The great news is= The main roof structure is covered with OSB and covered with felt. We still have to put the office gambrel roof together and get overhang around the house. Without the overhang, the rain pours off the roof and down the sides of the bare walls and into the house= flooding the floors. I been cutting the wood for the overhang and nailing it up. It seems that everyone that has a fully constructed roof is not getting any rain. : /

No, I did not climb the scaffles. No way= not me.

This message was edited Jun 10, 2011 10:18 AM

Thumbnail by CricketsGarden
Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

view inside upstairs.

Thumbnail by CricketsGarden
So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

That's going to be lovely, Cricket. Love the spaciousness upstairs!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

You guys are really making progress. Will the 2nd story be one big room?

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

The second story will have a bedroom 12x20, a bath 8x14, and the rest will be open . Open space 20x22 plus 9x14 on one side of the stairs.

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

I think the office gambrel roof would of looked better if the ridge was a little higher up but = it is what it is.
I would have a hard time cleaning if it were any higher. The office gambrel roof/ceiling will be open with a ceiling fan.
I am pondering on making two octagon windows for the front of the office in the gable section of the gambrel roof.
hope that made sense.

Thumbnail by CricketsGarden
So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

You might want to think about some kind of operable opening (or window) in the peak of the gable. Opening it in warm weather could give you a good convective flow to keep the room cooler, at least until temps are high enough to require AC.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

You make windows?

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

Yes, I can make wooden framed windows. It's old fashioned but can be done. I want to make the octagon wood framed windows with a side hinge that swings open to the inside with weather stripping on the outside and a screen on the outside of the window. You can do any wooden old style window this way.

After the main window frame is made, you then cut and make a frame for the actual glass to set in. Take the frame to the glass company and they cut it to fit. Take it home, set your glass using wood trim and window glazing. Hinge it==you're ready to go.

I am still pondering on the idea. Gonna take a few days.

Richmond, TX

How cool!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I'm a bit of an underachiever in such areas. I'd likely put visquine in the holes. LOL

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Cajun, you cracked me up with that one-liner...hahahahaha!

Cricket, your skill set expands each week. You and your hubby make a fine team :)

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

It seems the USB cord on my camera has malfunctioned. No pictures until I get a new cord.

Update is= The office roof is dried in with overhang , osb sheeting, and felt.
I put on the aluminum coil stock around most of the rat seal band at the bottom of the house so that wood is not
exposed to weather=rain.
Hubby framed in the dinning room window yesterday while I framed in the kitchen sink window.
We decided to put Black Board Insulation on the outer walls before we put on the outer siding cause we
are low on cash and winter always has low income and not sure if we will have the funds for all the interior wall insulation.
We wanted the wood siding but we were told that the Masonite Siding would last longer. We bought the
Redwood Grain Masonite Siding. The inside will have the real wood siding later. I started putting black board insulation on the outer walls yesterday evening and hubby helped when he got home last night. We were hanging black board til 10pm.
1/3 of the black board is up. I have to frame in 2 more windows today so we can put up more board insulation
before the severe weather comes through tonight. I do not want to mop and sweep water for hours.

Colors have been chosen. They're not doll house colors= they are country barn colors.
Iced Tea for the main structure and Oyster which is off white for the trim and shutters

Richmond, TX

I am very impressed with your progress!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Amazing how fast the house is taking shape.

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

Went to Wallie World and got a usb cord.
Everyone is saying it is going up quick, but I guess as the builders, it is slow to us. Plus we are desperate to be in it so it feels like it is taking forever. I worked my rear end off this week.

Last night I had taken a few pictures= in the dark.
The office at the end of the deck will have a door sometime next spring. For now we have already covered the
door way with insulation.
My table top garden bed on the deck was used for a tool and trash collect all soon after the snow peas were
through producing. :/

Thumbnail by CricketsGarden
Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

a sneak preview inside= kitchen area
It will be a long kitchen. Already have 2 six foot oak base cabinets that will go down that wall
with a stove between the two bases and the Refrig on the far end past the kitchen sink window.
On the other side of the frig on the end wall will be ceiling to floor oak wall cabinets that wrap around
next to the stair case.

Thumbnail by CricketsGarden
Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

the dining room window is now in place but is not in the picture.

all the windows are off white except for the kitchen sink window which is dark brown.

(we still have to lower the deck)

Thumbnail by CricketsGarden
Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Good job! It will be "home" in no time.

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