My Morning Glory Project 2011

Houston, TX

Hello Forum, Sorry I haven't been an active visitor here of late but working full time, going to school online and keeping up with my family and friends in Japan has been a top priorty. Everything is in devine order and thank you to those who d-mailed me your concerns.

I managed to plant a few Japanese morning glory seed,
some I obtained from Kyushu University and some from my own collection and a couple of mutant morning glory plants too. I may not visit Dave's as often but I will update this thread and share my experience here.


Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

I started the germination process on March 21, 2011. I only used water this time and did not nip the seed but it's a good ideal to do that if your seeds are not producing plants.

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

This is how Kyushu packaged the seed samples they sent me a few years ago and I had no problem germinating them in 2011. Like I stated earlier, I only user water and did not nick to seeds. There were some that did not germinate and all did not sprout at the same time.

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

This plant is named B-34 and the seeds are from Kyushu. The true color of the leaves are lime like.

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

pic #3

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

pic #2

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

pic# 4

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

pic #5

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

pic# 6

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

pic #7. While I'm try to post these pictures my cell phone has not stop ringing. All my plants are labeled and I'll ID them later.

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

pic #8

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

pic #9

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

pic #10

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

pic #11

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

pic #12

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

pic #13

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

pic #14. I will transplant all of these into larger growing containers.

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

pic #15 All of these were started inside and will be moved outside once transplanted.

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

Pic #16

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

pic # 17

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

pic #18

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

pic #19

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

pic #20

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

This is what B-34, pic #1 should look like. This is a pic of one I grew in Japan 2008.

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

I also planted a variety of Yojiro, Mt Fuji and some Yohaku morning glory like the one that's pictured. So that's it for now and like I promised earlier about sharing some seeds, let me know if you want some. Just d-mail me. Domo arigato :-)


Thumbnail by MGJapan
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Dee - Looking good all those seedlings! Some neat colors on some of those leaves!!! The B-34 bloom is very pretty as is the other one, too! I look forward to your bloom photos!

How is your family in Japan doing? Who is there? Your wife? Any children? I hope they are all safe.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Pretty blooms Dee.

Houston, TX

Konnichiwa... This JMG is called B-34, and the original seeds were obtained from Kyushu University. The centered darker blue star pattern is very defined and not deluted at all. Being that this is the 3rd time I've grown these in 4 years, it's from my own growing experience that I quote "this flower keeps it's shape and pattern till dusk". But also the sun has a lot to do with that aspect, as I make sure my outside growing area has shade.


Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

B-34, Here's smaller view same flower. Notice the fusha like color in the center.

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

The average size blooms are about 3-4 inches.

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

B-34. Notice the leaves that are to the right centered from the flower, they are lime green heart shaped which makes this unique plant easy to ID. I'm on vacation this week and will post more later..

arigato ne,


Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

I transplanted this Picotee blue in the ground about a week ago. In the cups the plants grow slowly so we'll track how this one does in the ground along with a few others. One of the advantages I learned from growing in cups is, it allow you to grow more in very limited growing area and you can see the blooms early on and can still transplant it in the ground. Works for me.

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

This is another picotee blue still in a cup.

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

Same plant @ different view.

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

same 1

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX


Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX


Thumbnail by MGJapan
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Beautiful blooms, Dee! I've noticed when I grow MG vines in cups that the blooms are always a bit smaller than if they were grown in a larger pot or in the ground.

Houston, TX

Thanks Becky, This is Yohaku Blue. The difference from Mt Fuji and Yojiro is the leaves.

Thumbnail by MGJapan
Houston, TX

Same Yohaku

Thumbnail by MGJapan

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