Spring Color

Dahlonega, GA

Trees , shrubs , conifers . The colors are bright this year . The Encore azalia is just starting to bloom . It'll be full , it's loaded in buds .Aren't the dogwoods nice . The wind will probably blow all the blooms off them tonight when the front passes.

Thumbnail by digger9083
Dahlonega, GA

One more

Thumbnail by digger9083
Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Nice Japanese maples there, too.

What kind of flowers and fall color does your bottle tree get...

Dahlonega, GA

Thank you V V The only color on them ,is the ones I paint .I love my JP's ,I have about 100 of them in buckets . Some grafted and some seedlings .
My viburnums had a lot of blooms this year , can't wait for next spring . They just don't last long enough , but so heavenly while they last .Digger

Barberton, OH

Now I know what Spring looks like. M. Stellata just starting here.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

You must only have some of the fragrant types - you obviously need more.

I've had viburnums blooming since February (all the fragrant types), and they haven't quite wrapped up. Then, the rest of the cavalcade will follow with flowers continuing on into June. By then, the early ones will have colorful fruit - and then that show continues through its cycle, with some species holding their colorful orbs all winter.

The Acer palmatum make great wallpaper against which to hang these true pieces of botanical art...

Dahlonega, GA

V V , I wish I had room for more so I could stretch out the bloom . I still have to find room in the back yard for my grafted J M's . They can be at a distance from the house , but I want the viburnums to be close so I can smell them . Like right off the porch / deck .

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Palm (atum) off the JM on your neighbors - that leaves all kinda room for the true treasures...

Dahlonega, GA

I should have known you'd say that ! I flew trees back in a suitcase from Oregan a few years ago and they are up to twenty foot high , so I guess I could dig them up and plant scented treasures . That'd work , huh ? LOL
But you'r right , I can plant the J P'Sin the woods ,to be seen further away and as soon as I get a porch built with a wrap around walk , then I can plan where to put more V's . How about you telling me which ones follow the others so I know what to purchase to keep the scent going longer ? I'd appreciate it , but don't want anything that doesn't have a nice smell . I dug up my Marissi and moved it further away , It was in way too small an area to spread as it should . I'm learning . (I hope ) Don't care about berries .

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