have lots of hot pink morning glory seeds

Lawrenceville, GA

I have hot pink moring glory seeds and would like other morning glory seeds. I actually have about 100 seedlings that are planted out into plug size trades if you would rather have that. Trade will be for 25 seeds each trade or what evere you think is fair for the sprouted plugs.

i have flying saucers or clarks heavenly blues if you are interested.

Lawrenceville, GA

Sure, I would love to pick some of both up. I can put the hot pink seeds into the box of iris when I send it out this coming week. I will dmail you my addy.

one packet of each coming right up.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I have lots of dark purple 'Star of Yelta' morning glory seeds. They would look good planted with hot pink!

These were the first seeds planted when I moved here. Their descendants come back each year reaching the roof by the end of each summer. Lots of friends have gotten plants from me from the strays that I lift.

Madison, WI(Zone 5a)

I'll send you a D-mail.

Lawrenceville, GA

Garden, Sure, I would like some of your star of yelta seeds too. D-mail me your addy and I will send out this week with all the other trades I am sending out this week. I will send you a pack of 25 unless you need more.

Busy, I sent you a d-mail too. Sounds great to me!

Lawrenceville, GA

OK folks, all your trade are on the way. LMK when you get them. I still have lots of Hot pink Morning Glory seeds to trade if people have other ones. I would trade for some lenton rose seeds too if anyone has some.

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