I have a small area that I want to fill with C & S, Colorful

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hi Guys,

Please check out my plant list and see if you may be able to design my garden for me?

If you want to suggest a plant I do not have, but you could provide, please do so. It would be very much appreciated.

I also have a post in "Australian Gardening" if you wanted to have a quick look?


Thumbnail by Degarotty
Wiggins, MS(Zone 8b)

Sorry Degarotty but we need more info. What planting zone are you in? How much sun per day will the garden get? What plants do you already have? How much rain do you get a month? Just anything you can think of to give us an idea so maybe some of us can help you.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

You could start out with some kind of small sedums. it would give you some green. baby monkey grass works too.
but we really do need to know if it should be hardy or for use in a house....

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