What causes orange iris blooms to be tan/brownish?

Apex, NC

I had some iris that were suppose to be vibrant orange but when they bloomed, the color was almost brown. Similar problem with peach colors. Why can't I get good orange/peach colors? Is there any type of soil amendment that I should use?

Gainesville, TX

I have vibrant orange and they bloom true....lots of peach colored ones too..soil maybe? misnamed?

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

Were they 'supposed' to be orange or was that just a pic on the package? The big box garden centers are barely 50/50 on correct names/colors/pictures. E-bay is probably closer to 10/90 according to some of the stories.

Apex, NC

I believe it is something about the soil. I got some peach iris at the garden center while in bloom. The next year, the color was very disappointing. I'm trying to figure out if there is something with which I can amend the soil and start getting better coloring. Thanks for your suggestions!

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Could it have anything to do with how much direct sunlight they get? I have a few that look different when grown in partial shade as opposed to full all day sunlight. But probably not as much difference as you're noting.

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