dying japanese holly

Temperanceville, VA(Zone 7a)

I have several japanese holly that are established (4 years) They have been doing beautifully until this past winter. All the leaves on a particular branch will turn brown then fall off. This has happened to several branches at a time. Any ideas!!!

(Zone 7a)

A photo, perhaps?

Temperanceville, VA(Zone 7a)

Here is a picture, the damage is more extensive on mine!!!

Thumbnail by PAMSPACE
(Zone 7a)

Have you noticed any webbing? It could be spider mites.

Temperanceville, VA(Zone 7a)

No webbing and last night I shook the bushes over a sheet of white paper, and nothing but leaves fell. There are some small-leaved evergreens in the area (Eastern Shore of VA) that seem to have the same problem, if that's any help.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Maybe a bit of winter burn? I know many areas of the country have had weird weather this year so even if they'd normally be totally fine through your winter, a sudden cold snap could do damage like that.

Temperanceville, VA(Zone 7a)

Could be winter burn, although a few folks I have been talking to about this have had the same trouble since last summer. I may have to check the county extension service and see if they have had similar queries. Thanks for the replies.

(Zone 7a)

A good idea. Keep us posted.

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