Spring Growth #2

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

we were here:

Thumbnail by ge1836
East Bridgewater, MA

At this stage, color is welcome in any form !!!

The forsythia are about to say "hello" to the landscape, and they match up well with the male goldfinches, wearing their golden splendor.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

It really is spring.

Thomaston, CT

Yes, the rain is telling me it's spring! Wish I had more in bloom....

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Love Donald Duck & Micky Mouse tulips!

South Hamilton, MA

The buds on the cornelian cherry are turning into its tradmark yellow flowers. It blooms before the forsythia.

Thomaston, CT

There was a Cornelian cherry outside my bedroom window when I was a kid.....funny how I forgot about that until you mentioned it.....

East Bridgewater, MA

On a nearby street, a neighbor has trimmed a weeping cherry speciman tree that is above, and around, her driveway lamp post light.

She has trimmed it into a sort of umbrella pattern, with cascading branches and flowers diffusing the light.

For the 2 weeks of the year that it has pink blossoms, with the light peekiing through the blossoms, it is so beautiful you could cry.

For the other 50 weeks, she decorates it seasonally, Halloween, Christmas, etc.

She's brilliant.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)


East Bridgewater, MA

I'm a techno-dinosaur, so no photography equipment, and no knowledge how to get it onto a "computer."

Her lamp post is about 8' feet high, and the "umbrella" speciman tree is just a bit more high.

What is impressive is that a small amount of investment (time/money) gives a big reward.

It's because back-lighting, or under-lighting, illuminates beauty that normally goes unnoticed.

(I can give more details if you want, but you have the basics.)

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Not even a regular camera?

East Bridgewater, MA

I can borrow an old instamatic, but how to put on the computer is a mystery.

It will still come down to the same thing...a small speciman tree, with under-lighting, showing an "umbrella" profile, with small annuals (impatiens) at the base. (or begonias.)

The "BIG CONCEPT": take a weeping cherry speciman tree, about 10 feet tall, and trimmed into an umbrella, and run a 365/day light source to the base.

Then, just get creative, to the max! Pumpkins in October, Christmas stuff in December, 4th of July...

The real key to this is the lighting...once you understand the magic of proper lighting, all the visuals come alive, and you will never see "stuff on the lawn" the same way again !!!

Lighting Changes Everything !!!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

It sounds lovely.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

C'mon, BA - not difficult at all. We can talk you through it!

East Bridgewater, MA

I have a current "medical challenge"; I'll put it on my list of "stuff to do" when I'm better.

In the meantime, just do a search engine of "weeping cherry tree"; then, imagine the specimen tree "limbed up" to 10 feet, clipped into an umbrella shape, with GOOD LIGHTING from underneath.

Just look at any weeping cherry trees, and you'll be hooked.

Imagine them clipped, to your preference in design!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

In this photo there is a weeping cherry tree at the left. It isnt weeping.The graft rebelled and 80% of the tree is the cherry stock.

Thumbnail by ge1836
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Here comes clem 'Rebecca'

Thumbnail by flowAjen
Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

charming sight.

Thomaston, CT

No leaves yet on my clems :(

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

It will happen for you very soon, Marilyn.

Thomaston, CT

I hope so, Pirl! Everything is very slow this year. I have 3 new clems coming, will be planting them around an obelisk....

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Come on over to the Clematis Forum and share the fun with us, Marilyn. I've been using one for testing pruning and it's been very interesting.

Stamford, CT(Zone 6b)

The weeping cherry automatically looks like an umbrella. Ours is very tall, but some of the blooms hang down to my height (little over 5'). Blooms for about 1-2 weeks early to mid-May.

Thumbnail by cathy166
Thomaston, CT

Thanks, Pirl....didn't know there was one, but I certainly can use some help with my clems. Very pretty blossoms, Cathy.

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